<p>Is writing about how you value your siblings/family a clich</p>
<p>A college essay is supposed to be about you and what is important to you. You say you have a unique relationship with them, so go ahead and describe it (show don't tell!). Its good that family is important to you and that you want to write about it. Most people avoid it as much as possible. Good luck!</p>
<p>OK Thanks! Anyone else?</p>
<p>No one will think that you have no friends and no life unless you tell them that. If readers think at all about why you chose "family" as your topic, they will imo simply conclude that you decided that "family" was the best vehicle for you to write a personal, detailed, honest and revealing essay.</p>
<p>As far as whether "family" is cliche: the key is not the topic, the key is what you do with the topic. Virtually any topic can make for a good (personal, detailed, honest and revealing) essay, and virtually any topic can make for a poor essay. It is not the topic, it is what you do with the topic.</p>
<p>Don't know if this will help, but a friend of mine wrote a really moving family essay as part of a transfer app, otherwise top stats, and got unfortunately rejected. I agree that if you do it, you need to make sure it fits within the framework of <em>you</em>.</p>
<p>also make sure you're showing them things about yourself, not just telling them about your siblings</p>
<p>You guys have given me some excellent advice. Thank you!</p>
<p>scutler is right: "show" don't "tell":</p>