<p>is it a good idea to write about your family members in the UC essay?</p>
<p>for example, if i wrote
my brother, who is 30 years old... etc. etc.</p>
<p>would it be a good idea to include things like that in the essay? thanks!</p>
<p>is it a good idea to write about your family members in the UC essay?</p>
<p>for example, if i wrote
my brother, who is 30 years old... etc. etc.</p>
<p>would it be a good idea to include things like that in the essay? thanks!</p>
<p>If it ties into the story, then yes… but generally this is all about you.</p>
<p>ok, one last question</p>
<p>my grades were horrible in freshman year, but improved toward sophomore and even more in junior year</p>
<p>should i address this in my essay, or just leave it out?</p>
<p>Not in the personal essay.</p>
<p>The essay is your chance to reveal yourself, your personality, what sort of a presence you will bring to the campus. If you think that your grades merit some attention, then discuss with your GC whether they will be covered in his/her letter about you. Or, you can submit a supplemental essay devoted to this topic.</p>