Written Evauations Transfer Question!

<p>Hello, I was admitted to Hampshire and really do love it but the whole no grade thing is kinda adding doubt it my mind. I'm choosing between Sarah Lawrence and Hampshire and I know at Sarah Lawrence they do both written evaluations and grades. I was just wondering that If I do decide to transfer after two years at Hampshire, would my written evaluations be considered as equal to that of a regular letter grade to the school i'm apply to?</p>

<p>I asked that very question and was told that they will provide grades if you need them. Plus if you take classes at any of the other of the five colleges, they also give regular grades and not written evaluations (although you can ask the prof to give you a written eval). </p>

<p>Interesting, my son who’s at Hampshire chose between SLC and Hampshire as well as Bennington. Hampshire was easily his first choice - and it’s been the perfect place for him. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I’ve looked at several Hampshire students’ transcripts and read the written evaluations. While there are no grades for the Hampshire courses, a quick reading of any evaluation can quickly tell you whether a student’s work was outstanding (i.e. ‘A’), good (i.e. ‘B’) or nothing special (i.e. ‘C’). There is no GPA (except for the non-Hampshire 5-college courses), but you can easily judge the quality of a student’s work. Any grad school admissions employee can do the same.</p>