<p>Three Red ring is displayed on consul. Does this mean a burial for the xbox360, or is there still life for this. What have you guys done to correct this, did you get it fixed or had to replace. thanks</p>
<p>Probably dead. Better send it to Microsoft for a replacement.</p>
<p>Not fixable by conventional means. Send it to Microsoft to get it repaired.</p>
<p>LOL, you got the RROD. Should've doled out a little more for the ps3 and its 2008 lineup.</p>
<p>Piccolo, is it your job to be elitist, or just a hobby.</p>
<p>Try the towel trick.</p>
<p>Thanks Guys! will be on its way to Microsoft...</p>
<p>Piccolo- PS3 is also a part of the family and is keeping good health.</p>
<p>JK_91 what's the towel trick?</p>
<p>trash the 360 and get a WII super smash Bros Brawl & Mario Kart wii</p>
<p>There are a gajillion hits on this on google and gamer sites... I assume you tried this? This once happened to my son and it was because it was hooked up wrong after spending a night with some other consoles where someone changed the settings.</p>
<p>Hope they send you a new one, I sent my first for RRoD and got back a new one that runs amazing and has never froze or broke on me.</p>
<p>thanks Shrin/Lazy. S actually did say that there was an extended 3 yr warranty for this issue, Microsoft confirmed, we got lablel from them and will be sending off UPS. He just wants it working....... refurbished or replaced</p>
<p>Splatter..there is always that die hard 360 gamer...so no trashing :-)</p>
<p>learninginprog, look it up on YouTube.</p>
Piccolo, is it your job to be elitist, or just a hobby.
<p>I do it for the lulz.</p>
<p>But isn't your user name based on Halo?</p>
<p>I have ALL three systems and I definitely prefer the 360. As for the OP send it into microsoft it happens to everyone.</p>
<p>Really? I used to play my 360 for a few days if I got a new game and then play it like once every six months after that. I actually really wanted a PS3 for a good while, but I figure the same thing might as well happen.</p>
<p>as for ps3's quality...I left mine on for a whole month (got so busy I forgot about gaming) and nothing happened. It still works fine 3 months later.</p>
<p>does it matter? i have all three consoles. splatter spree sounds better than smash champ</p>
<p>You left your PS3 on for a whole month and it still works? That's incredible...</p>
<p>@ Piccolojunior, good job leaving your PS3 on for 720 hours straight. That's both environmentally friendly and great for your parents' electric bill.</p>