xbox 360 vs. ps3

<p>Which do you guys have/prefer and why?</p>

<p>My friends at work and I had a 45min discussion about this last night. I myself have both but I mostly play the xbox because all my friends only play live on xbox for some reason. I never understood it because the live gets really expensive but since they're all really rich kids, their parents probs pay for it without question. I prefer my ps3 though because the graphics are better, playstation network is free, and i loooove killzone 3.
Anyway, which do you guys like?</p>

<p>I have a PS3 because most of my friends do, but I prefer playing on my PC.</p>

<p>Naturally, I would go with a PS3. First of all, beause I’m not a XBox guy (sry XBox fans), secondly, I believe that the PS3 is way more versatile than the Xbox in that it has many other uses other than gaming and it provides better graphics, and therefore a better experience, when gaming.</p>

<p>Again, just my opinion. :)</p>

<p>It’ll be interesting to see if this thread will turn into a gaming flame war.</p>

<p>Just noticed how old this thread is…</p>

<p>I have both, and I hugely prefer the Xbox 360. From its user interface to its game selection to its online community, it is, in my opinion, far superior to the PS3. Since I have both systems and have used both extensively, I believe I’m in a position to make a valid judgment.</p>

<p>I think it truly is all about what your friends have. My friends almost all have 360s so that’s what I prefer.</p>

<p>@toxic93 yea im interested in seeing the responses myself. I was kinda surprised as well when u saw that someone responded to this</p>

<p>If I were rich… both. I like my Halo and other Xbox-only games, but I also like the PS3-only games. So I compromised and bought a PS2.</p>

I really only use the PS2 for RPGs (KH and FF mostly) and MGS.</p>

<p>Wee-wixty for me. I haven’t touched a controller in over two years though.</p>