Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Just wanted to jump in and offer everyone good luck! I applied last year, got in, but decided to take a gap year. So I’ll be in your class if you get in! And if you don’t, there are SO many other colleges/routes out there that are equally amazing. It’s all about what’s meant for YOU! Happy to answer any questions for anyone who might have any :slight_smile:


Questions and queries come to an end when you have two or three days to wait for you decision. Thanks for your good wishes though. Let’s hope I will meet you next year.


My friend is applying REA and dm’d that insta account creator. Found out that person is just another senior in HS applying to Yale and will be waiting for a decision (RD in fact) like everyone else. When asked what will happen if he/she gets rejected - the answer was he/she will feel bad and will still try to manage the account or ask for advice as to what to do with it.
@queensgambit- if you’re up for it - you could message the insta account creator about how they decided to follow you and if he/she is a student. Pretty sure the answer will match what I had informed you.
Good luck to you btw! :four_leaf_clover:


So nervous !
But wishing best of luck to all of you !!


I don’t know if I’m allowed to link to a chance me post or not, but, if I am, I’d appreciate it if anyone would be willing to tell me how I might fare. Chance Me for Yale Early Action

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Does anyone know what time on the 16th the decisions will come out?

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I think they come out 5 EST so 4 CT and 2 in California


By CT I meant Central Time!!

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Does anyone know if they will send out emails? I know the portal has crashed in the past but I wonder if you get an email with you decision too? May be a stupid question though!!!

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They didn’t email when I got my acceptance last year. But my portal did crash but only for a minute or so. Then I was able to open my decision.


If I don’t have a mid year report option on the status portal, does that mean I am rejeceted? Context-wise, I don’t think I will get straight up rejected, but deferred.

I don’t think anyone has that yet!

It’s crazy to think that exactly 4 days from now, I will be waiting on my computer for decisions to come out! AHHHHHHH!!!


@Evapolovina @applicant4205 My daughter’s portal shows a red X beside “awaiting” for the Mid-year report. I don’t think it necessarily means anything whether you have that or not.

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Nothing noted for midterm grades here. It would be silly if that was indicative, so I don’t think so. If it was not having would mean in or out and the red x would mean deferred. Of course, given the Stanford indication based on addresses that seemed to work (maybe) (visit the REA stanford thread at your own risk ;-), it may be possible.

More importantly, it will all be ok and you are all loved.


Wait what happened with Stanford?

If mine doesn’t even have a mid-year report is that a bad sign?

There was a glitch last year where everyone who saw the “awaiting mid year report” early, you got in. But it didn’t appear until like 5 minutes before decisions came out. So it could be completely unrelated but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions now. You can’t be sure about decisions until they come out!


I’m now reading last year’s thread and a person who had the “awaiting mid year report” early said they had been deferred (username pathtotruth). Why do you think everyone who had it got in? Mine isn’t showing the mid year report sign btw

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Oh my bad then. That’s what mine said and then I got in and later when I joined the admitted students gc many others said the same thing. But I could be totally wrong ! So again, wait until the decision comes out to make any conclusions!