Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Test optional

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Bc it was test optional so everyone applied!

No REA for Princeton, so many who would have applied there applied elsewhere early, a large percentage probably HYS. Also TO opened the doors to a lot of applicants who might have not taken a shot before if they had SAT<1500; ACT<33.


rejected :(( im really sad (36 ACT, 4.0 UW, submitted research portfolio) i never expected to get in but its so disheartening to know im not even in like the top 60% of applicants

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Guys, got deferred. I’m from India. How many do you think are accepted from India each year?

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I already see like 5 Indians getting accepted here

Deferred – really strong STEM ECs and 4.0, test optional, got interview

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4.48 GPA, 36 ACT, decent ECs and awards, had interview, deferred

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deferred - i was test optional. what are the next steps for deferred people?

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@everandevermore, @jerrysuwu - seems like all had similar stats. Which other places are you applying to?

idk i was planning to apply to some other ivies like brown, harvard, etc but now im not even sure if its worth the shot :confused: i already applied to UCs and other less selective privates so i might just stop there lol

i’ve already applied to duke and vanderbilt.
i’m applying to princeton, harvard, columbia, and virginia tech as well, and since i wasn’t accepted today i’ll probably apply to william & mary and/or rensselaer as well. where are you applying??

My daughter was also deferred, I know of 3 other uk students that have been rejected. Are you going to apply EDII?

Did anyone get accepted that applied test-optional?

My kid was also deferred, test optional with an interview. Strong STEM ECs, awards, 4.0 UW. Onto the next app! Do NOT let your self esteem be dictated by this - you can’t see it now but good things are ahead!


Well said and good luck to your kid in the next round.

Accepted! Applied with scores :slight_smile:


Accepted! If it provides any insight, I went test optional but gave my IB predicted scores (a cumulative 42-45).
4.666 GPA, 4.0 UW
1/164 class rank
Strong ECs (President of 4 clubs, building programs for future students at my school, state champion in my debate event and went to nationals, 2 research internships with professors)
I got an interview very last minute.


i know it’s early, but does anyone know what might be worth including in an update letter? i was deferred and i want to have the best chance possible of admission. since november, i’ve written a research paper (albeit a standard one for my sociology class final) on the impacts of race and socioeconomic status on health outcomes, been voted most likely to succeed by my classmates, and won a faculty-voted academic and leadership award given to my school’s best 20 seniors. would any of these merit a letter reminding yale of my continued interest? thank you all so much :slight_smile:

Here’s what Yale says about deferred applications:

You may choose to update your admissions file with any relevant new information or accomplishments by clicking Update Admissions Application below.

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