Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@Shreyas33 Some of us have noticed that you were accepted at Yale but also applied ED to Cornell. You do know that is not allowed and when the schools find out they will rescind your acceptance(s), don’t you?

It is completely unfair to all the other international applicants who did not get in because you broke the rules and applied to at least 2 schools, possibly more when you signed a contract saying you would not do that. Does your school counselor know you did this? If anyone else on here goes to school with you, because you seem to talk about your schoolmates quite often and I don’t think they would like knowing that you tried gaming the system.

For all of you that applied to Yale and didn’t get in, this is the type of person you are dealing with and for those that did get in, this is the type of person you may see in the Fall unfortunately.


Hahaha lol I didnt do Cornell Ed, I am not stupid enough to do an Ed along with an REA. My parents signed the agreement and I am aware of the legal consequences if I actually did an Ed and an REA. Of course, colleges will know!

Imagine if I did do cornell and yale and somehow got into cornell ed as well. What would I do then? I’d be caught

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I was wondering if you guys think that there will be interviews scheduled for students who got deferred (but didn’t get an interview before) in the regular interview round? I know that it’s unconventional, but it seems like the interview were weird this year anyway. Plus, it feels like a deferral kind of shows that they “need more information.”

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Got in!!! 35 ACT and I think I had great recommendations that sealed it


Rejected. Strong grades, competitions, essays, reccs and achievements in ECs from many years, test-optional. Disappointed and a bit hopeless

Don’t be discouraged. My daughter one year ago was deferred from her 1st choice Ivy with similar resume, she had 1600 SAT - only took it that one time, lots of STEM awards, and publications. In March she was accepted to 3 ivies RD.


@Shreyas33 you are active on the Cornell ED thread and implying you have also applied there. Completely fair question.

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If you are interested in demographics, I am Latina, Native American, and White and come from a small IB school in a rural suburb outside of Phoenix, Arizona. No one from my school has ever even applied to an Ivy.


My common app essay was about the importance of my name and how it connects to my background, cultures, and future endeavors. My essays for Yale, in my opinion, were also very strong.

Yes. That is called homework.

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Wondering– Did people who got accepted get interviews or not get interviews? What about for deferred and rejected? I didn’t get an interview and want to know if I’m at the bottom of the deferred pool or it doesn’t rly matter.

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My daughter got deferred and had an interview. Applied from the UK. Doesn’t know if to do ED2 or wait for regular decision.

i was deferred and didn’t get an interview

@soltice155 Way too active on Cornell ED thread for someone who shared stats, implied they applied ED, suddenly isn’t on there now, never responded when he/she was called out by a couple of us asking about it, and was way too curious about how ED decisions worked. Something is definitely off, but not my problem as my student is not an international, but if he were, you can bet I would contact both schools and have them check their rosters of applicants for ED and SCEA. He/she listed what they applied for ME so that narrows the app pool significantly. Additionally, the second he/she was called out, they suddenly stopped commenting in that thread and they’ve never even commented in the Cornell RD thread.


Submitted scores: 34 ACT only taken once (no fancy scoring to create more favorable looking scores). Submitted all AP testing (not some selectively, which seems obvious to give an inaccurate impression of an applicant’s testing). All AP scores were 4. My son worked 2 jobs his past 3 years of high school + launched a community-oriented and community-embraced business startup that ran 2+ years, at significant profit, (this was his 3rd job outside of school all juggled at same time). Solid community service, volunteering + staff at a kids camp. Music: started/led two bands, performed at professional venues. His GPA was not perfect but was entirely A’s both junior + senior year. Middle class family and sinking fast now with both parents unemployed due to Covid. His AP English teacher could only rave about his essay…told him it was “so“ fantastic that she recommended no changes and no edits whatsoever. He questions maybe she’s not a good writer. Essay was powerful, moving, demonstrates social justice and championing for his community. He was rejected. Now that we’ve been through this once (he is our oldest of 4 kids) - I am so disheartened for a few specific reasons. I do not trust anything about this process. While applicants are not penalized for not testing at all - or for purposely withholding and not submitting any “unpleasant” test scores - they are instead certainly penalized when their straight As turned to pass/fail, thus weighting freshman year grades more heavily for unweighted GPA…AND erasing all AP credits during that semester from weighted GPA. I cannot figure out why Yale “bothered” snooping into my son’s testing to “confirm” his scores (all were reported, all true and accurately reported). What is this about…? Yale clearly stated applicants can self-report scores and only pay to send the official scores upon admittance. So…they didn’t believe my son’s self reporting and went and confirmed his testing early, anyway? Only to reject him outright? Perhaps Yale was just collecting fun data for their records to balance all the kids who did not test (or hid their testing). We are told most applicants test 2-3 times to achieve their (improved) excellent scores and that it is not common to score well by taking an ACT only once. We KNEW testing was not easy for kids; but we figured when you want to go to Yale, Gee, you should probably try harder and just get it done. His test was canceled four times so we drove 3.5 hours so he could get in to take a test finally in September. Other kids had access and ability to take a test, also. Why no such lenience offered with an imperfect GPA? He explained solid reason for his earlier imperfect GPA. Unfortunately my son is a white male. No LGBQ or other minority status he can claim to appear more “favorable.” His minority status is being the rare kid working full-time hours outside of high school while managing all As in advanced curriculum, still managing extracurricular (though not leading those at school - the kid worked which is not his fault). We’ve been warned white male is a serious problem if hoping to get in to any top - or even fairly highly ranked! - school unless he is an athlete. White males are only allowed to be athletes at ”smart” colleges, so we have been warned by other parents. Or they get to go to an average ranked school. I believed I would handle this better but because of just how hard Covid and financial crises has taken a toll on our family I’m afraid I have no strength to witness another 10 similar rejections for him like this. He will be fine somehow/somewhere/eventually despite having no comfort or security in anything at all right now, but I am not. I refuse to put him through begging colleges, or try to help my smart and decent son try to somehow “better package” himself (how…? By making stuff up?)…when he truthfully and impressively packaged himself perfectly fine on his very own (and honest) merits the first time. Does anyone know if there’s some unknown repercussion re: other schools of our withdrawing his application from Yale now, after decision, simply to remove it? Or will he have access to request and pull it? They advise our kids to be so personal and make themselves vulnerable in their applications and I don’t like his very personal story being held, accessed or used for data collection in some university file that doesn’t want him or have any relationship with him. Yale doesn’t need his data or details. His story should be his own, not for anyone’s future perusal or reference. I welcome suggestions for “easy” schools that won’t put him through unnecessary exhausting BS or make him beg, yet will have other smart student peers, challenges and opportunities. Thanks for any advice or support. His application was incredibly Yale-specific and I can’t let him do 10 more personalized efforts like this for RD. At this point I just need to know where in the country my son will live next year. Any good schools have rolling admissions?


I got in with an interview (international)

I don’t understand this post. Yale has no access to collegeboard scores unless sent by students. And your son sounds great, but no different than 10s of THOUSANDS of applicants every year. They only accept a few. As we know. Seriously, of course he should not give up and apply strong to other schools. They just didn’t gel with him. Whatever. That is the result for most applicants, who are even more qualified than he is. Support your son and move on!


That’s a lot @atxmomof4 I am sorry for the family struggles and my heart goes out to you.

For now, I am just going to say your S sounds great and will land somewhere where he will excel and thrive.

Yale’s acceptance rate is so selective that the most likely outcome is to not be selected for the class. The competition is fierce. Regarding his app…his common app essay should not be specific to Yale. There’s nothing to do re: pulling his Yale app, and no other schools will see it.

Has he applied elsewhere yet?

He definitely needs a handful of target schools, and at least one affordable safety. Pitt is a great school with rolling admissions…get that app in ASAP if it appeals.

If you would like CC posters to suggest more schools for your S, you should start a new thread with his stats, budget, and school preferences (geography, size, major, vibe, etc.).

This process is long and hard, especially this year during the pandemic. Many kids don’t know where they will be going next year until March, so help your S get in that mindset. How we react to these disappointments affects our kids to a great degree.

Good luck.


Agree, :100:!! Radio silence now. So unfair to others if in fact they applied to both.


Sorry to hear , your son stats are great with all the hard work and EC’s. Whatever you expressed here why don’t you email Yale admissions officer or your point of contact explain clearly your points and frustration I would definitely recommend appealing nothing too lose , see what they say