Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Congratulations to everyone who was accepted and best of luck to all who were deferred! We have a friend whose child was deferred, then accepted RD a few years ago, so, yes, it does happen. :slight_smile:

I wish you ALL nothing but the very best.

Speaking of deferred, my child was deferred. They don’t seem too rattled about it. No one from his high school has been admitted in a few years, including this year. They’re finishing up applications to the rest of the schools on their RD list and trying to enjoy the rest of this weird senior year.

Stay safe.


I know it’s a super tense time for everyone but let’s not resort to arguing anonymously online. no one here is to blame for anyone’s acceptance/rejection. wherever you end up is where you’re meant to be. take some time off from this thread and focus on your mental health. statistically, almost no one gets into yale. don’t beat yourself up for being a part of the VAST majority.


Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place.”

Let’s support each other instead of throwing shade. This time of year is stressful enough as it is.


Congrats to everyone who got in. A lot of good advice above for applicants deferred or even rejected. Don’t take this as a judgement of your worth or prospects. There are just too many qualified students for too few spots. As an alum, long time interviewer and a parent of 2 kids who have gone through this process, It is truly crazy these days. Human beings have had to make a fairly subjective selection of which small subset of a large number of highly qualified kids should gain admission based upon another subjective determination of what makes for an ideal class.

Personally I have 2 kids with similar qualifications, with their own strengths, weaknesses and interests. My oldest did not get in, but she ended up at a LAC. Probably the best result for her. She got to play her sport and took advantage of the research opportunities at a LAC where you are not competing with grad students. She got a great job with a leading basic research institute and just got accepted into a fully funded top 10 PhD program in her field. The point is if you are the type of driven high achieving kid that can aspire to top colleges, it doesn’t matter which sweatshirt you are wearing next fall, but how you are going to make the most of the multitude of opportunities coming your way the next four years. If you keep looking backwards, those same opportunities are also going to disappear in your rearview mirror.


they shouldn’t be rattled! super exciting to know that they were good enough for YALE of all places to want to consider them!!

@srparent15, have you considered the possibility that this person is just trolling? I think there’s a significant possibility that they didn’t apply ED to either Cornell or Yale. They might be just joining in on the fun. I’ve applied regular decision, and I’m here out of curiosity and looking at the stats, it’s turning into nervousness. This is just a kid; I wouldn’t sweat it. Let them be. However, if this person is genuinely deceiving the system and harming others, I don’t know what to say…


My son got into top Engineering schools (EA), but only deferred at Yale. I don’t know much about Yale. I know it’s a great school but I think they have different priorities. I don’t think Engineering students are their top priority. Just my opinion…

@smithonian29, I have the same feeling. The school denied many kids with high stats and excellent STEM awards.


Yeah you’re actually probably right. I just noticed he/she posted their stats in both the Yale and Cornell threads and the stats are actually completely different. I guess it’s one of those things that when you lie too often, you begin to not be able to keep track of the lie. Just click on the user name and you can see his/her posts and see it, but again not my problem.

Good luck to you with your schools!!

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The mom complaining that her son is disadvantaged because he is white violates this policy - does it not?


Thank you so much for your message and the link, it means a lot. The beauty of the US is all your amazing colleges and the opportunities that come with it.You guys deserve a place just for submitting an application! My daughter is currently working on her RD list and supplementals-she has had a crisis of confidence since the deferral but is hopefully back on top. Onwards and upwards and Merry Xmas.

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Wow congratulations too your daughter. my daughters friend was deferred and is devastated as Brown was her dream. I will PM you, thank you so much.

Sorry it’s late around 30 mins before

I don’t go back and delete every problem post. And not saying that the following applies to the user, but it is not against ToS to be wrong or to make remarks that are less-than-well-thought-out. Nor is it against ToS to disagree with a poster in a respectful manner. But I do draw the line when the response is a mean-spirited attack against a user.

I see, lol. Thank you!

All schools want a well-rounded class, and Yale has the ability to cherry-pick out of an immense amount of qualified applicants. Your son has been put in an adamant position, but other stories are moving as well. My story was very personal, something nobody knows about me, and I made sure they knew that. I fit into multiple minorities, but I probably won’t get into Yale. It’s my dream school too… Tell your son not to obsess over any selective school; that’ll only do him harm. He has done his best to prevent his ethnicity from dictating his path. So, he shouldn’t blame his English teacher; his essay may be unique, but so are others. I’m quite sure your son will end up in a jaw-dropping school. Don’t lose hope!


Let me know if this is the right group to ask. But I wanted to take the chance to ask people here if they are applying to Yale as a second option after Harvard? Or do you prefer Yale? Also, why do you prefer Yale over Harvard. Thank you.

Yale was my first choice over Harvard! I preferred the campus and community of Yale over Harvard, although Boston is hard to beat. Yale gives me an opportunity to pursue two completely different paths of study seamlessly. I could go on and on with my reasoning, but everyone has a personal preference. I’m happy to say I was admitted! I worked very hard for this and I must say when I opened the email, it was incredibly rewarding. #yale2025


@2025Class , congratulations! I have a similar opinion. I love the campus and community at Yale. Have a great time there and thank you for your answer. It’s just that every time people mentions these 2 universities, they always mention Harvard first and Yale second. If you don’t mind answering, what are you going to study there?

My sister goes to Harvard and the other one went to Yale. I understand you love Yale but I think you will also love Harvard so maybe you could apply to Harvard Regular Decision!

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