Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

He will do great no matter where he ends up!!!

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If anyone could let me know if they receive anything else from Yale by email or mail I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, stay healthy everyone!!!

I was actually swayed from Harvard to Yale! At first, I saw that many of my friends (who are artists, writers, etc.) had decided to go to Harvard; after researching, I saw how many other people in the arts had went there as well. I made the assumption that Harvard had many opportunities in the arts and had a thriving arts community. However, soon, I realized that I had mistaken the people for the college itself. Though, yes, many of my artist friends had gone to Harvard, the college had actually only recently began expanding to include opportunities for them - in comparison to Yale which had been doing so for a long time (amazing drama programs too). At first, I was still unsure, but then, I talked to an alumni of Harvard Law school. He knew that I personally value the arts a lot in my education and that I want an intersectional major (like PPE at Oxford - Yale has a similar major in Ethics, Politics, and Economics). He told me that he didn’t really enjoy his time at Harvard, and that, for an artist like myself, I would probably prefer the Yale experience and community.

Slowly, as I did more research, I began to fall in love with Yale more than I had with Harvard. The large libraries; the amazing performance arts ensembles/teams; the shopping period (which called to my indecisiveness). This felt different than Harvard - I think that I was so caught up with the name and the people who went there, that I forgot about whether I would love my time there apart from this. Despite still applying to Harvard - I can’t deny the merits of the available opportunities here - Yale is very much my top choice (though, in the end, I know that I will be the maker of my own education).


When visiting Harvard and Yale after getting into both, my oldest sister actually switched from Harvard to Yale as well!


Nothing yet! I’ll be checking the mail again on Monday.

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@artivist247 , thank you. Also, at collegevine somebody explained that it’s easier to join clubs at Yale than at Harvard.


Joining this thread as part of the RD gang. Congrats to everyone who’s been accepted, keep your head up and keep on with your search for those rejected, and good luck to deferred and other RD applicants! Submitting my app soon - then the wait will begin…


Reading a lot of these comments… please don’t blame minorities for not getting into a school with a 6% acceptance rate. As a low-income minority student, I would love to trade my so-called favorable admissions status for an ounce of white privilege in my daily life.


To add on, I feel like there’s this myth of meritocracy going on that just isn’t true. A lot of the college admissions process is about fit before qualifications (if you’re applying to a school like Yale, there’s a good chance you are extremely smart, hardworking, and accomplished!). Also, a lot of money and privilege goes into the process as well, and I think you should remember that before beating yourself up about getting deferred/denied. A lot of people have so much more access than others to the college process.


You do realize that minorities are users on this platform too, right?


Congrats on your acceptance. My daughter, a first generation urm, was rejected (applied without scores) and we thought for sure it would be a deferral. She’s the first person from her pwi to ever apply. She’s the top of her class and submitted an art portfolio where she has won awards. It is discouraging to see some of the comments on this platform. If some people only knew! Congrats again on Yale!


Congratulations!! Did you also submitted/self reported subject test scores as thought they do not want subject test at all this cycle.

Also anyone who accepted did they submit both SAT and ACT scores at all as I have 1580 SAT and 35 ACT(but in science 34) and majoring in science so was only going to submit SAT.

So should I self report both scores or just SAT.

Thank you

Just submit your SAT.

Thank you!

Unless Yale has changed this year ( quite possibly I missed it) they have said to submit all scores. You might check that. Your ACT score won’t hurt you or detract from your SAT results anyway


Yale is test optional this year. Even in the past, you were only required to report all scores from 1 test, not both tests.

Thanks for clarifying

Thank you! Wishing the best for your daughter, I know she will do great things anywhere.


Thank you and this year Yale says you can report any or all test scores so you have a choice to submit your highest score for this cycle and does not require to report all scores. Is on their website.

I truly apologize for continually switching the topic back to my thing. Everyone, please let me know if you receive anything else from Yale. (email, mail, etc.)

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