Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

is no interview a bad sign? I know yale is definitely interviewing since a few of my friends have already been interviewed this cycle (both in REA and rd). Does that imply that my application is either off the charts (probably not happening) or that it got tossed already?

Somehow I didn’t get an interview but I got a likely letter yesterday. Is this normal?

I guess it’s not uncommon for Yale. My son is in the same boat (no interview but a likely letter).

I see ok thanks! Also, Congrats to everyone who also received likely letters!

Joining discussion. D18 applied RD for engineering and has an interview scheduled this month. Congrats to everyone that has been accepted so far.

Yale stated that they would focus the interviews on students that they needed more information on. In the early round there was speculation that students would be in one of three camps: 1) application and recs gave a full and compete picture, no need for interview 2) app and recs strong but want more info that might come from an interview 3) not a contender, so no need for an interview

It would be great if any of you that received likely letters could put down your accomplishments that you believe resulted in you getting the “likely” letter. I am sure scores/grades were impressive but was it an EC or what?


omg yes this would be nice!

it would also be great if some of early accepted students could mention some of their ECs, or experience that might’ve made them stand out, just curious

so happy for yall!!


Someone on Reddit posted their stats/ECs.
It can be a reference although everyone is different.

Just curious. Is the likely letter an actual letter or an email communication?

It’s an email confirmation from an AO initially. The formal likely letter will be mailed later.

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Got a Likely Letter! Good luck to everyone!


Congrats! Before getting an likely letter, do the AO always sends you email to contact you if they did when did you get the email!

What is the actual point of the likely letter? Why does Yale send them? Is it just a courtesy? Or, do they think it helps yield?

Also, do they happen throughout the admissions process or are they released in batches?

It’s a way for the school to show extra interest in candidates and give the likely admits extra time to research the school and imagine themselves attending. For STEM kids they invite them to the Yale Engineering and Science Weekend in early March. They also have current students reach out to answer questions.

For more info:

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Do likely letters come on the portal? By email? In the mail?

To all who had interviews, did you guys receive reply back to your thank you email after interviewing. Is it bad sign if the interviewer had not reply at all!

In Yale’s case, LL recipients in regular round get the news from AOs via a phone call in late Jan thru early Feb followed by an LL in the mail, Yale Class 20XX T-Shirt and other swags. They are mostly of STEM applicants since I have not personally heard of anyone of arts/humanity getting one from Yale while I had known about a dozen STEM kids who got Yale LLs. These kids, about 100-150 of them would get invited to YES weekend in late spring.

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@jzducol So if you also applied as STEM and had interview but did not receive likely letter, is it going to be rejected. Do they only take total 150 STEM kids for their admission or do they take more if you know about it.

those of you who received likely letters, did you submit a stem research supplement?