Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yale sends about 2000 offers of admission a year. 100-150 represent less than 10%. So its fair to say that vast majority of STEM admits will not receive a LL.

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Yes to research supplement and published paper.


Just a sign of how busy your interviewer is or what type of email etiquette he/she practices.

So…does that mean that a STEM kid that doesn’t get one is unlikely to be admitted? Or that they just don’t happen to be in that tippy top group?

@BKSquared Even though they have send email back and fourth right away immediately before the interview and after the interview no response so was surprised to see that.

No response to your thank you note from the Interviewer is not uncommon.

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I don’t believe that not being a likely admit is any indication that a STEM kid doesn’t have a chance to get in. In fact, I get the impression that they probably haven’t even had time to read all the applications yet. I read that in 2018, of the 95 likely admits that attended YES weekend, that about 50% matriculated. It sounds like this is Yale’s attempt to recruit kids that are probably also looking at other top STEM schools like MIT, Stanford, etc. I don’t have any idea if this process will continue for a few days or weeks, but I wish the best for your kid. And if not now, hopefully April.



If an applicant sends me a “thank you” email back after the interview, I will promptly send a polite acknowledgment back, e.g. “It was nice talking to you, best of luck.” I really don’t expect to be email pals with the interviewee afterwards. If they ask a follow up question, I will respond the best I can or let them know that I cannot answer their question. But I must say after the original post interview exchange, the correspondence normally comes to an end.

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just to point out that I interview for another college. And while I will respond “Best of luck,” strict etiquette states that no response is required for a thank you note. Otherwise, it could go on ad infinitum. Note that Stanford actually tells interviewers that the interviewer is their final correspondence with the applicant.

Bottom line, read nothing into getting or not getting a response

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If one doesn’t receive an interview from Yale, does that mean they aren’t considered for acceptance? That seems to be the general consensus online from what I’m seeing.

No. It can also mean they decided to admit you and have no need for an interview

Oh ok.

Don’t read into it at all. Replying to a thank you email is generally not expected.

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If that was the case, why wouldn’t those kids receive likely letters then?

Edit: it looks like a lot of them have. RIP me.

The vast majority of accepted applicants do not receive Likely Letters. LOs are finite, and Yale in particular tends to use them very strategically issuing a disproportionate number to STEM applicants. While there is likely overlap with the LL group and the accepted without interview group, one is not a subset of the other.


Thank you. I don’t know why I’m freaking out.

Freaking out is normal. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have Likely letter gone only to people on trimester (vs semester) grade schedule? To those with official senior grades submitted with original application? Also, If I applied RD, does Yale get both my 1Q grades and then 1 semester grades (should be submitted next week), or only 1st semester grades? Thanks!