Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision



Depends on how your HS sets up its transcript.

Did anyone receive likely letter or email for a phone call on Friday? Trying to see if they are done with the YES-weekend invitee offers.

Are likely letters sent to international students?

I don’t know any one that received the YES weekend invites, but just curious if those are actually early writes (early notification of acceptance vs ‘you are likely to receive good news come decision day’ LL). For example, Cornell Engineering has a diversity weekend in the spring where those applicants receive early writes, but not likely letters.

There are now officially more posts about likely letters on this thread than applicants will receive IRL :wink:

In the context of HPYS admissions a Likely Letter is an early acceptance notification.

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I don’t see it that way, that’s why some schools (Ivies included) also have early writes. LLs are close to 100%, but yet not 100%.

We can agree to disagree, but I do see it that way. While a LL is not 100%, neither is the offer on Ivy Day; both can be withdrawn, and for the same reasons. For 99.9999% of LL recipients, there will be an acceptance on 4/6.

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Have either of you seen the language (legal or otherwise) on the likely letter?


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Ah now we’re talking. This merely says that the Admissions Committee (interesting how the writer distances himself) is likely to send out an admission offer in the future, subject to 'performance being maintained.

Does not quantify ‘performance’ either.

If they do not issue an admission offer there’s nothing you can do.

This is a ‘marketing’ letter.

Strongly disagree. This is no marketing letter. I know of three students who received a Yale likely letter in Jan/Feb in recent years (2019 and 2020). All were admitted and all are now attending Yale.


No, it’s not marketing letter. It’s an early admission letter for exceptionally strong students. Just google the term “Yale likely letter” and read the explanation from Yale.

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It is marketing in the sense that the school is really trying to win the applicant. But it is for all intents and purposes an early acceptance. I know of no instance where a LL recipient did not later get an acceptance offer.

Neither does the acceptance letter. But if you fail a class, the offer will be rescinded. And if rescinded, “there’s nothing you can do.”

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An official acceptance letter is also in a sense “conditional”; conditional that if you completely go off the cliff academically, or more likely are found to have moral/ethical issues (e.g. cheating, racist, homophobic, misogynistic SM posts), your offer can be rescinded. If you get a likely letter, it is virtually an acceptance with the same conditional caveats.


Does anyone know if an interview with a current senior is, in any way, different from a typical alumni interview? Are there different questions or do they look for different traits? Also, what do they typically look for when saying “applications who we want additional information.”

my application checklist shows mid year report status as ‘Waived’

what does this mean? does anyone else see this?

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Does your HS maybe not have mid year grades, or are you trimesters instead of semesters? My status was just updated to say the mid year grades were received 2/5/21.

In terms of import, none. What a senior working in the AO is looking for in the interviewee is the same as alums. I refer you to the thread on Yale interviews where I summarized the traits. In terms of the expected interaction, it will be different. You’ll have more opportunity ask what campus life (academic and social) is like now. Alums are in a better position to talk about how the school has affected their careers and longer term outcomes in life.

When they say they want “additional information”, it can mean a variety of things. What the interview is supposed to provide is a better sense of the person/personality of the applicant.

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Does it look like if the STEM “likely letters” have pretty much all been sent last week or has anyone received calls today?