Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I was accepted SCEA to Yale class of 2025 and I had an interview. It was a wonderful conversation that did not seem to be seeking any further information with regards to my application. It was truly just a nice conversation between two people. The day after the acceptance arrived, the interviewer emailed me to congratulate me. Just relax and enjoy the process and do not doubt anything about your application. I’m sure it is complete and they are just looking to chat.


My daughter just got an email for an interview on Monday. We are in SoCal.

My son has an interview today.

general question: like what does “if the admissions committee needs more info” for interviews mean? who gets interviews?

Widely interpreted as those who are neither an auto accept nor an auto reject. That middle bubble.

hm interesting thx

so we shouldn’t rly take it as a good or bad sign?

Well, other than a Likely Letter, there are really no signs to be read until April 6.


@ Skieurope

first off… thanks

Question(?)… I probably asked this already somewhere, sometime ago, but can applicants be admitted prior to April 6th (aside from LL communications)?

No. Against Ivy rules.

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thanks ! April 6th it is …

Stay safe everyone !

It just means you’re definitely being considered. Congrats tho, you’ve passed the first filter!

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yall know of any indicators that shows you got in before the decision date? or at least some theories? When I was looking for NYU there were some indicators that worked for me. If anyone has such knowledge please share.

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What does it mean if you got your interview much earlier? I am quite surprised that people are still getting interviewed right now, I had my interview in late January. Is that a bad sign?

i’m not aware of any, but if any of y’all know, you should let us know lol

doesn’t mean anything as far as i’m aware. they have tens of thousands of applications to do and they do interviews all the way through february usually.

Other than a Likely Letter, there are none. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply repeating an urban legend.

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Does no interview indicate outright rejection?



can’t help but think that :frowning: especially when people are talking about filtering, screening applicants, etc.