Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

It would be helpful for all of these elite schools if people include whether they had an interview in the final ‘stats’ posting after decisions. A trend might emerge, and it could be useful for future applicants.

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it’s hard, but try not to worry about it. there are just simply some people who they need more information from. who knows if they’ve even looked at your application yet. there are plenty of people who have interviews and don’t get in and plenty who don’t get interviews and do get in.

I was deferred from REA. I submitted the mid-yr reports and those grades were way better than any of those before. Also, I had a strong updateinformation. Haven’t received an interview yet. What are my chances of getting in? (ik specific values aren’t here…it will take too much time) International student here!

i’m also deferred scea, strong updated info, and straight As in APs and no interview. there is just really no way to know what anyone’s chances are. especially this year. it’s hard not to stress about this (trust me, i stress about it all the time), but all we can do now is wait. a good way to take your mind off this is to research your safety and target schools, actually! take time to fall in love with those schools as well. yale is a longshot for literally everyone, so try not to get too caught up in this. (but definitely don’t give up hope!)


hey guys, do you know if anyone tries reaching out via phone?

I’m international and I keep receiving a call from this one international number from the US which I can’t seem to pick up or call back to because every time the call fails

I also have not received any emails so that’s odd because they have been trying to call since Thursday and all my unis have my email address (along w my phone number) so ://

I don’t know what Uni it is, can anyone suggest what I can do?

Don’t worry about it. If they have something important to reach you, they’ll be able to reach you (voice mail, email).

thank youu, it’s bothering me sm now because I’ve been called like 5 times
but i guess you’re right

Yale will email you first. They won’t just randomly call.

While they will most often email, some will randomly call. But if no answer, they will leave a VM and try email.

Thanks! I didn’t know. I thought they always emailed, since that’s all I’ve ever known.

S had an interview with Yale alumni tonight …

It was a great opportunity to get a personal account of an alumni.

FYI…Check your spam mail, just in case your interview request is sitting there…

Is it a good sign to have interview this late in the cycle?

The timing is probably neither a good nor a bad sign - they probably only just got around to reviewing your application recently and determined you were a competitive applicant. It’s a good sign you got the interview though, so congrats!


Has anyone received a likely letter by portal or mail yet. I got the call last week and have not heard back

Yeah you will get an official letter in the mail following the phone call (at least for STEM likely letters)

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So does that mean no portal update?

Yeah I didn’t get the official likely letter through the portal

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Cool thanks! How long did it take to reach you?
See you in one of Yale’s events soon!

I think it took about 1-2 weeks. And also yeah hopefully we get to meet each at one of the events!

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What are likely letters??