Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

if we get an interview, what does it indicate? good sign?

It means you got an interview. Read nothing further into it.


an early notification sent to the top applicants indicating that they are likely to be accepted

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Does anybody know if Yale will continue to send likely letters through March, or is their time widow over?

hopefully they will continue !!

I need help!!
So an alum contacted me a few days ago for an interview and we just set up a time to talk. but he hasn’t sent me any links to zoom nor replied any of my email since then. It’s been a few days. and our interview was supposed to be like yesterday. So apparently I GOT STOOD UP. What should I do? is it rude to keep emailing him or should I email yale AO about this?

if i were in your place i would leave a polite note to the interviewer asking him about any miscommunication and how it can be rectified, if it all and wait for about two days and if he still doesn’t respond, inform the uni about it

Have you checked your spam box? If there is nothing there, I’d politely email the interviewer and ask when you can expect a zoom link and time. If you don’t hear anything, I’d then email the general Yale AO address. Do you have the name of the interviewer?

FYI… My S had an alum interview a couple of days ago… and the email from the Alum said “FINAL NOTICE” in email subject line… S never received prior contacts, in reg mail or Spam …

Fortunately had interview which was very informative !!

Good luck

As a general fyi, I think the system is pretty swamped. I was asked to do an interview last week of an applicant from a city over 300 miles away.


if a student doesn’t respond to an email regarding a request for an interview, does the university send follow-up emails? i checked my spam for the first time in a very long while and i saw a bunch of college emails. hope i didn’t miss anything from yale before they were automatically deleted.

The interview contact is by the interviewer unless it is someone from the AO’s office who is assigned the interview. Speaking for myself, and I suspect the majority of other alumni interviewers, if I get no response after a few days, I will follow up with another email. If no response to that (call it a week), I will call the telephone and cell numbers of the applicant on the assumption that the email got lost/filtered in cyberspace. If I still don’t get a response, I notify the AO that I was unable to reach the assigned applicant.


When is (receiving) an interview considered early in the admissions process, or “late” in the process ? I ask because I have seen some commentary / replies on current alumni that interviews are surprisingly arriving late in the process …

also… sorry if already answered …How soon are alumni interviews results reported to AO?

thanks AGAIN

March 1 is our deadline. In normal years, I get my assignments in January, maybe early Feb, for the RD round. I just think they are spending more time per app to decide whether or not an interview is warranted plus there is a large increase in apps, resulting in a greater lag this year.

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You’re very kind and helpful !

not true–mine called and we never communicated through email or anything…kinda sus but he was cool. we talked for over an hour too!

Should I be concerned that I haven’t gotten an interview request yet? Does that mean they don’t think I’m a competitive applicant? I’ve gotten interviews for Harvard, Penn, Northwestern, Stanford, Duke, etc. but not Yale. Any input would be appreciated!

The question has been asked and answered many many times on this thread.


Your “likely” notification call lasted for over an hour? Wow!

My b