Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

woah I wouldnt say likely lol. I kinda applied to yale as a joke because I was deferred from Penn and subsequently applied to random reach schools for RD. for yale I even applied as a philosophy major–like I love philosophical topics but mostly for fun not career-wise. I’m guessing my interview was longer because with philosophy you can easily talk for hours and we even debated some stuff bc I think he was testing me haha

also I see you everywhere lol! how are u a super moderator that’s kinda cool

Ah, I was talking about the likely call from an admissions officer indicating admission, not the interview. Congrats on getting interviewed! Hope you get in! :goat:

ohhh haha…thanks!

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i just got an interview request from yale (with a current senior)… i applied rea so i was wondering why interviews are coming so late in the process?

I think they are really stacked up with a lot of apps and the screening process they have implemented for this year. I normally get assigned interviews in January, and I got 2 last week. The deadline for report submission is today.

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Good afternoon,

Does the deadline (today) you mentioned, apply for all interview reports due to admissions? Including Seniors, Alumni, and ROTCs?

Thanks :blush:

I can only answer as to alumni interviews, although with the late assignments, they are taking extensions.

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so it doesn’t mean anything when you get an interviews (whether someone gets it mid January or late February, for example)? It’s just about processing applications.

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does anyone thing it means anything when you get an interviews (whether someone gets it mid January or late February, for example)? It’s just about processing applications.

Timing of interviews means nothing.

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@Azzurri2006 You mentioned ROTC. Which branch of the military are you interest in. I’m interested in Navy.

Do you already have a ROTC scholarship?

Interested and trying to learn about their units and the admissions process.

Might mean something only if you get an interview late in March, especially if it is with an actual AO. That means you are on the bubble. These interviews have been pretty rare though.

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Taking 4 APs senior year (2 of them with self study. Spanish, Lit). Is there a need to inform Admissions office before dropping the Spanish AP?

No. That is precisely why they put little credence on self studying

can rea deferred applicants also get interviews in the rd round?

was anyone’s financial aid checklist updated yesterday?


Yes, if they didn’t get one earlier. I read somewhere that someone who was deferred who didn’t have interview ended up getting one for RD

Hey, does anyone know when’s the latest we can send updates to colleges?

I’m likely publishing some work in major media/publishing a report and starting a new job next week, so I want to send updates, but I don’t know if it’s too late.


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