Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Mine was. It says that the “Student’s 2019 tax return” was last updated on 3/2/2021. I checked on r/applyingtocollege and a handful of people have gotten theirs updated as well.

do you think it means anything?

It means nothing in terms of admissions

I mean I hope it means something but if anything, it’s probably just an automated system that updates our fin aid checklist every once in a while.

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what exactly was the update? Was it “Waived” or was it “Not Required” for the student return?

It means your student return tax file has just been processed. My son’s file was processed a month ago…

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I don’t think it means anything. My son’s 2019 Tax Return was waived on 3/2.

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Good day all,

Aside from admissions, alumni, and ROTC units, are underclassman given a task to interview a prospective student(s) ? Could this simply be another information session to attract a desired students or just automated / protocol ?

Some undergrads work at the AO. They will do some interviews, often the on-campus ones that are scheduled by applicants.

Ok thanks !

I just got an alumni interview request today. Does that mean anything? It feels awfully late for an interview.

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Possibly. My sons interviewer told him the deadline was march 1. It’s probably more of a soft deadline…

Hey all,

Last month I received an interview request from an alumnus, but shortly afterwards I also received an interview request from the Lt. Colonel of the Yale ROTC detachment. I’m wondering the significance of this interview and the role it may play in the application process.


Hopefully a great sign !

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@mjj2003 That has to be a good sign that ROTC wanted to speak with you. I’m interested in Naval ROTC, and there don’t seem to be many others here. Was it Air Force or Naval Lt Colonel you spoke with?

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It was an Air Force Colonel.

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Lt Colonel is not a naval rank. An O-5 in the USN is a Commander.

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I would take a ROTC interview as a great sign. ROTC has a certain number of slots that will get filled each year. My daughter who is a junior in high school is interested in NROTC at Yale.

I’m assuming that the March 1st deadline was extended? I got my interview request a couple days ago and we have it scheduled for March 13, which he said would be perfectly fine for the deadline, they seemed to be in sort of a rush, but not really either, they gave me a pretty large window to chose from up until the 20th

Does anyone know if legacy still counts at Yale? And if you have legacy but were deferred early do you still actually have a chance?
I’ve heard a lot of elite colleges are deemphasizing legacy these days…