Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

hello quick question for ppl who got an interview - did u submit any supplemental info like an arts supplement or an additional recommendation in your app?

REA-ing into Yale and just received an interview. From SW Michigan… I am also curious with how the process towards requesting interviews works…

I added an additional extracurricular that I recently started due to COVID-19… it was added onto my application and I only added it since it is a significant part of my time now (and I do have a leadership position in it).

Are you anywhere near Austin? I have met a lot of alum from the nearby area and I think that may mean I may not be able to get an interview since I know them!

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Is Yale interview such a guessing game in past years? It really adds unnecessary stress to the students.

To provide some historical context, last year there were about 35,000 applicants and only 18,000 completed interviews. There are always many accepted applicants who were not interviewed, and the vast majority of interviewed applicants do not get in. I know applicants and parents stress and get nervous as the decision date(s) approaches, but really it is out of your hands once you hit the submit button. Even if you have an interview, it is unlikely you will convert a reject to an accept or an accept to a reject. At most it will just be another data point in your file. What you can control is making sure you have a strong semester (no senioritis) and getting your other applications in order.

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My daughter was just contacted for an interview. My son interviewed with a Dartmouth Alum in 2018 who told my son he interviews tons of kids and they are mostly all rejected. I am telling my daughter to do her best in the interview but I really have a hard time believing it is a game changer.

Oh, thank you! Good luck, I hope you’ll get one too :smiley:

where on the website did you find it?

nope, two casual teachers’ recommendations, no art portfolio

bro, do you wanna share some outstanding things in your application? Maybe we all - people interviewed - have sth in common? There might be a pattern

It also probably has something to do with the number of interviewers in your area which i think is how they organize it even virtual. My daughter’s interviewer is from our state. I know the MIT alumni group and Harvard group asked for more volunteers this year as they received more early applications. No idea if the the same for Yale but would make sense. I think that annoying word unprecedented will apply to all the numbers involved in college admissions this year. But again I am just a parent with an applicant no special knowledge so keep that in mind.

Don’t have anything outstanding… I don’t come from a school district that’s CA-CHIC-NY competitive, solid ECs, solid academics, test-optional (solid for my community), just added an additional information post for a new COVID-19 extracurricular.

This is a little bit random, but I was wondering if alumni interviewing committees attempt to match interviewee interests with leaked information from the admissions committee itself… my interviewer is from my county and grew up in the same school district, but I’d like to assume that he is interviewing me because the admissions committee sees a “different” light in me that may resemble his past/matching career (as my major is nowhere near what he did in his UG/career occupation)?

A. You’re lucky to have gotten an interview.

B. You’re lucky to have gotten an interviewer with a similar background.

Beyond that, don’t unrealistically think that they are trying to match interviewees and interviewers based upon similar or different career paths? How much free time do you think these people have?

Great point, I thought about your explanation too. Obviously, we wouldn’t really know about what happens behind the scenes, but I am thankful for the opportunity.

We are not in Austin.

@veganramen I submitted an extra letter of rec and a science research portfolio and just had my interview last night (idk if this is replying im new to CC sorry!)

I did too! Did you submit a research paper and a letter of rec from your PI/mentor? Also what region/state are you from?

I applied SCEA and did not get an interview. I know that doesn’t necessarily mean anything but still nerve-wracking! Good luck everyone!