Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hi future classmates (hopefully), I am an international student from Singapore and have not received an interview yet! However, I do have a friend who applied to Columbia ED and received an interview so… I am not really sure how I should see the situation. I will just hope that my application came together so well that the admissions officers don’t need additional info about me :slight_smile:

I would stop being stressed about the interviews everyone. It is really out of your control, and Yale has made it pretty clear that not having an interview doesn’t in any way negatively indicate or impact your admissions decision. But if this helps at all, I did an interview with an alumni a couple of days ago and it went really well (I’m in Maine). You all will be fine! Relax!

@veganramen Good luck! I submitted 2 research papers and a letter of rec from my mentors, and I’m from the New England Region

Regarding alumni interviews: it’s more about keeping alums active in their college and sending $$ donations than performing any real evaluation of applicants.

Example. Close friend has been doing Brown alum interviews for 10+ years and he has highly recommended dozens of applicants who he thought were wonderful students and great fots for Brown. Not a single one has gotten in to Brown. Remember, the interviewer does not have the applicants file and cannot take any documents, resumes, etc from the applicant. It’s all very causal and the alum can’t compare 1000’s of applicants like the adcoms can so how can alums possibly know one applicant is really better than the other. They have no power at all to accept or reject applicants.

Unless your interview is a train wreck or you walk on water where the alum says this is the greatest student I have ever seen, then I would not put much weight into the process.

At the end for the day it’s more of an informational session for two people to get to know each a little better and talk about the college. Nothing more, nothing less.

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@Starlight25 Just out of curiosity, what were your other stats if you’re comfortable sharing them?

hey y’all. is december 1st actually the deadline for the interview reports? i ask because i know of people who have their interviews on and after december 1, so i’m confused

Does anyone know why they changed the release day?

Where does it say that?

I just checked my applicant portal, and it was changed to December 16th, 2020 from December 15th. You can find it under the button that says “Decision dates” on your applicant portal


Ohh got it!!!

I did get a request to do an interview last week. It was accompanied by a note from the AO office that the late interview assignment was because of the high number of SCEA applicants and their process this year of grouping applicants after a read. They would still like reports by Dec 1, but they will take reports that come in just after the deadline. The later decision date is probably an indication of a high number of applications and the AO needing another day to make decisions.

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Congrats !! Still waiting for mine (Germany)

Any others from Germany

Nah Nah, I did not get an interview yet; was just replying to @Starlight25 because I saw that they changed the decision date!

Still waiting for my interview :-x
(from India)

Ok, this is a mom post.
Just checking in to ensure that everyone is on track to submit their other applications before the SCEA announcement is made. I’ve told my daughter to expect a rejection because of the sheer percentages that are accepted but to certainly hope for the best. Remember that for the truly informed, there are no shoo-ins. This may sound harsh but even If you have cured cancer, have 10 patents and stellar essays and LORs, there is also yield protection and they may defer you, anyway, thinking that you may choose another school in the regular round or you just seemed better for a different school etc.

Last year, a close family friend was deferred from Harvard SCEA and she was so secretly sure (as was her family) that she would get in (“Her stats! Her ECs! Her presitigious scholarships! Her publication! Her awards!”), she only had a couple of other safety applications and one target submitted when SCEA was announced. She ended up waitlisted at several other T20 schools (she was left doing hurried applications in the last couple of weeks of December) and did not get off any waitlists. Had she had strong applications in beforehand, I think she would have been successful somewhere that she desired. She ended up at a school she doesn’t really like and is fairly unhappy there.

So, take this nervous energy that you now have and control what you can. Get those other applications done at some schools that excite you. If Yale were the only amazing school, it would be a sad world, indeed. Of course I hope my kid gets in - but I am also glad I encouraged her not to fall head over heels for any one school and that she has safeties and targets that excite her. You are all so interesting, fantastic, and smart - please don’t let one school’s potential decision have too much power over your future.


I applied SCEA and just got an interview request today (kinda late?), but it was an email from the Yale undergrad admissions office, not directly an alumni interviewer. Furthermore, I’m not even being interviewed by an alum—the email said that it would be with a current Yale senior, and I scheduled my own interview (after the Dec 1 interview report deadline, too). They also said there was going to be an evaluative report afterward, whereas I’ve heard alumni interviewers specifically say their interview will be nonevaluative? Does anyone know what this means? I’d appreciate any opnions/advice!!

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All alumni interviews are evaluative. We write about specific characteristics that the AO’s want our opinion on and we give an overall grade.

OK, my bad for the mix up. But would there be any significance behind being contacted by the office/current student rather than an alumni, or is it just because of a potential upsurge of EA applicants that Yale would need students to help interview as well? Thanks!

No significance between a student and an alum.