Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Thank you!


Can everyone that applied for financial aid see their financial aid tab/checklist? We can’t see my D18’s. We contacted the financial aid dept and confirmed that everything is in good order so they have no idea why we can’t see it. I sent an email to admissions about it. Just curious if this is an isolated issue on our portal. TIA

I don’t see at my portal. May be because I didn’t apply for financial aid

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I see it just fine for my daughter- it lists all her received FA documents.

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After sending in an email my D18’s portal is fixed and the financial aid tab is showing now. Thanks everyone on this feed for helping us catch the problem.

I wonder what percentage of Yale applicants get interviews. My daughter had her interviews immediately from Harvard and Princeton. Yale is such a great school. She knows it’s optional etc but it’s hard not to feel more positive to those schools that offer interviews.

My D was interviewed by a Yale alum that is very connected to the school. He’s on a lot of influential committees and his impact has been acknowledge by Yale. He told my D that he has asked everyone in admissions about the impact of interviews and they all say close to no impact. It really is about an alum telling a prospective student about Yale and answering questions.

My D was nervous about the interview after googling the guy, but he was the nicest and most down to earth interview she had. She also had some bad ones (cough Princeton cough), so it evens out.

I know it stinks to not get an interview because of the opportunity to talk about Yale and learn some things.

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My friend is an interviewer for a top 3 Ivy, and she said she spoke with a number of kids she thought would get it, but it took years before the first one actually did. So as others have noted, I think interviews are more of an informational for the student.

True, but it cuts both ways. At least subliminally it’s hard not to bond more with schools that reach out to you, even knowing it’s strictly informational. Consequently if it comes to a choice between HYPS, that puts Yale at an ever so slight subliminal disadvantage! They probably should be more transparent and acknowledge those they don’t interview and say why (interviewer constrained etc). Yale obviously feels there is some value for either the university or the student in the interview or they wouldn’t do it (setting aside the advantage that it keeps the alumni relationship strong with the interviewer).

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My son was deferred EA and just discovered two emails in his junk/deleted folder from before Thanksgiving for an interview with an alum. Lesson learned, always, always double check your email. He contacted admissions and the alum and admissions said they would put a copy of his email into his file. But, not the impression he was hoping to make, regardless of the weight an interview holds.

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With the increase in applicants schools need to realize they can’t offer everyone an interview and stop doing them.

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I actually kind of disagree with this, considering that in the ASC handbook, it says this

“ The interview report remains one of the few documents that provides a window into a spontaneous interaction with the applicant. As a result, they are some of the most frequently viewed documents in our Admissions Committee meetings, flashed up on a big screen so that all members of the committee can read them.” (this is from the updated 2020-2021 handbook)

I think for some students, they’re not as impactful. But I think for other students, it truly can make a difference. I want to note that my cousin who got into Yale viewed her admissions file and really the only comments her admissions officer made were regarding her interview report and how “glowing” her personality was displayed in the report.

So I think it’s a bit of a fallacy to say that they hold close to no weight at all and gives students a false sense of security. Regardless, students should prepare for these interviews cause they might either be disregarded or could potentially be the tipping point IF you’re a borderline applicant.

I think it also depends on the interviewer you get. Some interviewers are known for the honesty/fullness of their reports or have been established for a while, so some interviewers are taken more seriously while others aren’t as much. Hence the random hectiness of college admissions!


We have been totally ghosted by Yale, so I will assume no interview = rejection at this point.



On Yale’s website, they say: Because of limited virtual interviewing capacity, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will prioritize interviews for students for whom the Admissions Committee needs more information.

So…maybe you weren’t contacted for an interview because the application as submitted was strong enough that they didn’t need any extra information.

Also, Brown didn’t do any interviews this year, so they really may not be that important.


Oh the mysteries. I hope you’re right but I feel suspicious that they do like to have interviews for all their preferred candidates. We are in a very big city so there is no reason not to have one…

@Atomicmomma Was your student offered interviews by similar schools?

yes, all of them. right away. yale is the holdout! and of course the favorite…

@Atomicmomma I just sent you a PM

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The issue is the ratio of alums who volunteer to interview vs the number of applicants. Large metropolitan areas often have some of the worst ratios. While the alum population can be large, the volunteers may be relatively low in number. The applicant pool though will be very large.

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