Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision


Brown did let kids submit virtual portfolio. My kid spent weeks on his.

That’s true. They are probably using that as a substitute for the interview.

I received an interview for Yale but I’m not sure it went as good as I wanted it to be (I stuttered on a lot of questions). Would this have any kind of impact on my decision (considering they are giving limited interviews)?

Interviews do not have that much of an impact on your app either way (unless your interview was exceptionally poor or profound). I wouldn’t worry about it - the admissions officers recognize that many people get nervous and/or don’t interview super well!


So I’m an applicant, and my school uses Naviance to send documents. I requested my documents, but my councillors didn’t send my mid year transcripts and I just found out it’s missing. They went on spring break so I can’t reach them to send it right now. I already emailed the admissions office person, but i’m wondering if this will greatly adversely affect me? Will my late (only) mid year report be a potential reason I get rejected? I tried contacting the Naviance help page, but they said they can’t help me; I have to wait for my councillors. I’m really worried this could push me into the reject pile.

I don’t think it will greatly affect. In that case they would have emailed you and asked.

Don’t worry. Something similar happened to me in early action (and I still got in) where my counselor didn’t send my documents and I caught it weeks after the application was due. The admissions office knows it’s not your fault.


Interestingly, my son got an “urgent alumni interview request” yesterday. The interviewer mentioned that she was asked to conduct this interview by Sunday. My son applied RD and he appreciates this opportunity. Good luck to everyone!


lmao the “upload financial aid documents” recently showed up for me too but I also have weighted GPA barely over 4 (somehow did not get rejected early) so it probably does not mean anything

I wouldn’t read into it. And we are in the same situation

not true. I got an interview and I didn’t seriously apply: it was more of a last-minute “add to my reach schools” thing. My stats and stuff aren’t even amazing or anything. I live in a sort of large suburban town if that makes a difference…? Most likely random I guess.

well, I know its a bit silly, but today I had a dream. I’ve made an excel sheet for my college decision dates, the outcome, etc.
So, I saw in dream that I’m working on my laptop on 12th April, and in the excel sheet, I’ve only 2 acceptances out of 12 … Yale and Cornell. I missed the deadline to submit CSS(my father didn’t had money at that moment) so definitely I was not going to attend it. I was writing an reply email to Yale Admissions for confirming my acceptance.

Don’t know, just a silly dream … eagerly waiting for 6th April :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Hopefully it’s indicative of the future (at least the acceptance part)!!

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Does / will IVY Day decisions be final (yay or nay) or could there be more waitlisting??

It is going to be a musical chairs of waitlisting. Everyone will be all over the place still so if you’re waitlisted there will still be hope as everyone chooses their schools, finalizes their financial aid and settles down.


There will be a lot of activity on the waitlists this year. I wouldn’t expect much at Yale as its yield will probably be consistently high. I expect the ripple will be bigger than usual into the summer.


Because of the number of students who took a gap year in the Class of 2024 and students from the Classes of 2023 and 2022 who took a semester or year off, Yale is projecting a 7-8% increase in undergraduate population over pre-Covid years. Because of this, I would think that the straight out initial admits will go down and the use of the waitlist will go up so that they don’t go over the targeted 1,500-1,600 final matriculants (plus the 341 2024’s who took a gap year). They certainly don’t want to underestimate yield and risk an abnormally large class. See this article. Yale to shift resources to intro classes, hire post-docs for some upper-level seminars as student body grows - Yale Daily News


I have accepted the same request on 15th, March. In the email, it is said that " The Office of Undergraduate Admissions works with alumni volunteers around the world to interview as many students as possible in their local areas. Due to limited alumni availability in your particular area, you are invited to interview virtually with a current Yale senior." No other students in my school is invited to interview. Does that indicate anything? PS: I am an international student from India. @BKSquared any insight?

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Positive sign they would go out of the way to interview you this late. International interviews have always been selective, especially for countries like India which have a lot of applicants. However, it just means you are still in the running, far from being a done deal.


Bro which school? You’re lucky then. I haven’t heard back from Yale since January