Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

subtle manifestation! hope that works out for you! good luck mate

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I am in Maharashtra:)


Ohkay I’m in Surat


New Delhi here !

Hello, I’m an international student living in us, and one of the schools I applied for is Yale. However, I was not offered an interview, and now the decisions are coming out, I started to worry about it a bit. I know that it does not dictate my decision, but I’ve heard ppl saying that a lot of ppl who were accepted into yale got an interview, and it is a sign of them wanting to know more about the applicants.

The reason why I’m worrying about is that my application is not strong enough that ik they accepted me right away without an interview. Hence, I’m worried that this is a sign of an automatic rejection or waitlist. Plus, I live near Western PA, so it is not that I’m living a very rural area.

If you have any helpful advice or thoughts on this, pls let me know. Thank you!

Don’t worry about interviews: from what I’ve gathered, absolutely NO ONE knows exactly how much they affect anything, and even so, each applicant is different (various locations, different high schools might have confusing policies/curricula so interviewers might want to know more about you in that context, etc). Decisions are less than 20 days away. Stop letting some of the lies people put on here mess with your head and start adopting a sane, healthy mindset because whatever the turnout will be, you’ll be fine- I promise. In 70 years you will look back and this moment isn’t going to matter.


thank you so much for your kind words! I’m trying my best to remind myself I can be just as well without getting into prestigious colleges but oh boy the decision weeks are just brutal lol. but thank you tho!

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Maybe this has been covered, but what a SHAME that the Ivies pushed back their decision date. Our daughter is hoping (like everyone here) for that longshot “yes”, but in the meantime she is unable to put any deposits at another school. This is really irking me, bc spots are filling up at her “back ups” for special events and orientation but if she puts the deposit down, she is nullifying her application to the Ivies (per the common app submission statement). So frustrating - Rant over - thanks for letting me vent!

Also - why are they letting the gap year 2024’s take spots from the 2025’s - i know life isn’t fair, but the spots are so coveted and this class has even less if the 2024’s get them. - Now Rant over - LOL


@Momofone2021 It’s frustrating and I’m sorry your kiddo is missing out on some of the other school’s events. I’m sure the Ivies for a ton of apps this year so an extra week isn’t too bad if it means they read all the apps sufficiently.

Most schools don’t need an SIR deposit til May so I’m surprised they’re having enrollment or orientation events. Are they in person?

The events aren’t currently happening, but the sign ups are and the spots are limited for the events that happen in August. Some schools are also offering limited in-person orientation sign ups right now and the rest will be virtual as well as getting higher on the list for housing. By waiting, her living options may be limited. I am just frustrated bc we have options to move forward but can’t until the Ivies come out because they are THE top choice. SIGH - I know lots of people are in this situation, I am just venting tonight - lol

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sending positive vibes to everyone


Is that true? My understanding is that you can’t simultaneously pay deposit to multiple colleges, but you can pay deposit to a new college as long as you tell the first college that you won’t be joining.

See this thread:

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You can but a deposit down for one college while keeping other applications open. If you get into the 2nd college, you simply tell the first college you will not be attending. Of course, you will likely lose the deposit.

This is common, particularly where an applicant is waitlisted.


Thank you for that thread - I guess we read it differently

Thank you! We read it differently and were very worried.

Don’t worry about the interview. I don’t think it means a lot based on my son’s experience. He got an “urgent interview” last night. It was quite disappointing. The interviewer rushed through from the beginning. Her kids were in the background and she was looking down and writing notes all the time and did not want to have a conversation. At the end she mentioned that Texas (we are in Texas) applicants will be evaluated today (3/20). So the reason my son got an interview could be just random selection or the regional AO wants more information to prepare for the evaluation. Anyway, don’t worry about thing out of your control.


No one from Gap Year '24 is taking your student’s “spot.” According to the Yale Daily News “However, despite the increase in students taking leaves of absence, the number of students who will be offered admission into the class of 2025 will not change, which will lead to an massive expansion in the undergraduate student population.”


Thanks for the info!

I can see this if it is talking about students accepted into class of 2024 that opted to defer and delay their start date for a year, but if there are students that were high school class of 2024 that opted not to go anywhere this 20/21 school year, and are applying only now to enter as freshmen, they are adding to the pool of current hs seniors.

My reply was in response to a parent worrying about the unfairness of gap '24 students “taking” spots from this year’s applicants. That is not happening. Really no need to put blame on anyone, and there is nothing “unfair” about kids taking a gap year. Regarding your comment, I find it unimaginable that a student from High School '24 who did not get into Yale last year could reapply this year and get in. There are plenty of things to be worried about, but this is not one of them. Good luck to your student.

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