Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Not what I was saying, but that’s ok.

Is this what most people have?

uh yeah but mine also has “IDOC- second record”
don’t know what that means…? maybe just an update idk

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I also have the “IDOC- second record”, besides that the only thing different is the dates of each document. My student 2019 tax returns is dated 3/3, and all the others have the dates that I submitted them in January. I wonder if it means anything.

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did you make any edits to your original IDOC? like sending in more documents? Im thinking maybe that’s why…I don’t want any false hope that I will be admitted lol!

I did submit another document, but it was near the end of January. I saw on reddit that some other people had their tax returns update at the beginning of March just like mine did.

yeah I just looked on reddit and I still don’t know…
ope, then I have no idea–good luck anyway!

I have it too. I don’t think it’s an indication of anything if we all have it. Still hoping for the best though! Best of luck to you all!

lol why does it say you will get a decision on 31 march?

I think it’s because they applied early action, before they changed the date

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I just got an email saying that my research has been published. (A maths paper about the Goldbach’s conjecture). Should I update them now about it, and if yes, can I also send them the link to the online pdf of my paper ?

i don’t have the idoc second record :frowning: but something called the “parent irs data retrieval tool” was added very recently to my fin aid portal. no idea what it means

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that is interesting!

I have that, too – it has the submission date as 11/13/20 (I applied early and was deferred).

This is what I see for my son:

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That is exactly what my son has on his portal too.

Same with my son’s portal

Hey! International applicant from South Asia here. Got an email with the subject line named “Invite to Interview with Yale Admissions” a few days ago, and so I’ll be interviewing with a Yale Senior student tomorrow. Just wanted to know if anybody else got a similar request this late, and if I could have any tips for the interview. Thanks so much!


Heyy, where in south asia are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?

I am a fellow applicant - take my advice with a grain of salt, maybe others on the forum might be of more help but if I were in your place, I would think about any substantial developments since the time you applied, maybe also reflect on everything you included in your application and try to establish more context for highlighting that you were doing the best in whatever resources you had, and be yourself, smile and really ask lots of questions to see yale through the eyes of the student!! All the best :slight_smile:

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