Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Awesome, thanks so much! I’m applying from Sri Lanka. :slight_smile:
Did you come across any hard-hitting questions, or ones which made you think for a while? I’m obviously assuming you had your interview too; if so, congratulations!

omg i actually did not interview for yale, i wish i had the chance :(((, but i did for some other schools - they were alumni of the schools! I feel like mine were usually very naturally flowing - about life and philosophy in general, haha! One question that made me think a lot was “tell me something you explored and decided you don’t enjoy doing and why”
others that were refreshing were if you do end up getting accepted - what do you think will be your biggest concern?; and why i specifically applied to this country as an international; basically getting a feel of my motivations and fears about the school
hope this helps!


I just checked your ChanceMe and you’re obviously gonna get in somewhere great! :smiley:

Thanks so much for the advice – and I totally agree, I’m keeping a list of things I’d like to expand upon if I didn’t have enough space on the application.

Best of luck on your decisions!


this is so wholesome, thank you, I wish the same for you!!! <33

guys, i recently landed a research opportunity with a very prestigious college in my country in the field of my intended major, should i update them?

i’m hesitant because i have already submitted an update about additional honors and awards before. do double updates annoy admission officers?

any advice is welcome

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You should
I’ve sent 3 updates till now, all of which were imp

I have sent 4 lmao I am probably annoying them so much

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seems like having the “idoc second record” on the fin aid portal might be a good sign, a bunch of kids who received likely letters also have it


do any athletes applying RD have it?

I have “IDOC second record” on my fin aid, but I was deferred REA (and am expecting rejection). Not sure if it means anything lol

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Yeah I also have the “idoc second record,” but I highly doubt that it means anything.

Sorry I know it means nothing lol, just scroll up

Wait can someone sum up what this IDOC second record thing means? The date seems so back in 2020 that it seems irrelevant.

It’s pretty late in the game to send an update. It is probable that the admissions committee already made a decision about you. Perhaps save it for a LOCI if they waitlist you (same for other schools). Just my advice.

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I personally feel like you can if you want to - if you have more things to add, definitely make sure that this is your final update though, because the admissions office is probably very busy right now. Per them not seeing it, I’m pretty sure they will - I sent a website portfolio to college and according to my analytics some are still looking at apps.

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A decision about you probably has already been made. On the other hand, sending them an update is probably not going to turn a yes into a no, so very little downside. I would ask though, was this opportunity obtained through a competitive process or does it signal privilege over merit? I like the suggestion upthread that maybe you hold this in reserve as a topic for your LOCI if you are waitlisted. It provides a substantive anchor in your update.


When is the earliest date do you think they start making final decisions?

as in like the first couple of people they made a decision on…

do you think they did this in early March?

Well, I think they have to be making final decisions by now because as far as we know Yale gets a gigantic amount of applications every year especially this year -just like every other ivy and really high prestigious universities.

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Yes true!