Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

That are basically done. Just some fine-tuning to do.

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I understand! But like when do you think they started making final decisions on people?

Same answer. One or two may swap out, but they are basically done.

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For what it’s worth, my son contacted another high ranking school late in their application process and asked via email if it would be appropriate to update his application so close (10 days) to their decision release date. They wrote back and said he was welcome to update his file at any time. He ultimately attached what was effectively a LOCI to his file.


I see what you are saying they are basically done now!

What I am asking is when they first started making final decisions on applicants.

They had started before the likely letters went out in February.

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Definitely Feb/early March because I saw sparse activity on my website around those times. I think that by March they were having full committee meetings if they weren’t done. Like on March 4 I saw 10 views on my website where the days around it were stagnant.

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I’m a poet so the yale traditional arts portfolio wouldn’t have worked for me (as my work is a combination between performance and writing). Instead, I created a weebly website with press, videos, written work, etc. and added it to the additional information section if colleges wanted to see it. I just recently went back to it and saw the marketing section - I haven’t used this website in any other capacity - and noticed that while the views throughout started around 6 to 4 around after I submitted my app., they started to parcel out to 1 or 2 in the following months. Then, on March 4th there was this weird spike to 10 (like there was no activity for a while and then 10 views…) so I’m assuming that this may have been from a full committee meeting.

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ohh, that’s a nice tool…good luck!

Thanks, good luck to you too!

Making virtual tour for the college going to make difference in the decision?


How do you know the views came from Yale and not from anther place?

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Well @artivist247 doesn’t know for sure but that is a very educated inference that makes sense.

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Regarding IDOC - Second record: I sent financial docs in October and main application on the RD deadline in Jan 2021. But I had this “IDOC - Second record” dated on October 2020. So, it has nothing to do with the application content rather than a financial related entry.

Yes, I was looking at past threads from rea and there was mention of it but some who had it ended up getting deferred/rejected. However, if likely letter recipients also have it as mentioned above it could mean something, but whether it’s different for early and rd is the real question.

im guessing it’s just that it shows “second record” whenever someone edits/adds documents to their IDOC

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someone earlier and myself both have that but we both added documents to the original IDOC–I doubt it is any sign of acceptance/rejection/waitlist

hey, idk but I saw a dream of Yale again. I saw that my recently published research was mentioned in my letter and some communication was made to me directly by AO.

Idk why I’m getting dreams of Yale, as it is my 2nd-top choice, the first being Princeton, but I’ve never saw a dream about Princeton(in fact I saw myself being rejected from Princeton in the 1st dream)