Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

If my high school TA/recommender was contacted by Yale at the beginning of March for more information, what could that mean?


It means they needed more information.


Is it too late to send new awards to Yale?

Many Ivies started sending emails not to submit any more new updates; hope you get accepted, but if not, you perhaps can save it for LOCI in case you were to get waitlisted.


t-10 daays


That surely means they are very interested, asking this close to decision day.

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My friends were asked the same in last year’s admission cycle. They mainly just need the school to confirm your excellence. Then you will be accepted.

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hey guys,
I just found out that one of my teacher’s who wrote me a recommendation letter wrote a name other than mine by mistake, it happened only once. the rest of the recommendation letter has my name. will that affect my chances of getting in?

woah that’s tough…I have no idea

Try to get your HS guidance counselor to reach out and explain the mistake.

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Yeah I don’t know if the views were from Yale - it was a response to the above where some in admissions were still looking at apps in early March (and that it was most likely full committee which is the end of the process either way).

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Teachers can definitely make mistakes especially now. Like the above, have your teacher/guidance counselor explain as soon as possible (there’s no time like the present). To be honest, like we were discussing above, admissions has probably already made a decision on your app by now - I doubt that a small mistake like that would make your app automatically unviable - but it doesn’t hurt to reach out.

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Since we are so close to decision day, I just wanted to remind everyone that you are all worth it and valuable no matter what news you receive. I know that it’s so cliche to say, but I’m only saying it because it’s true. The fact that you were brave enough to go through the process and be vulnerable just goes to show your character. I’m pretty sure many of you may have seen this article already but: Former Yale admissions officer reveals secrets of who gets in. You don’t need Yale to go out and do great things in the world or to make your mark; you don’t need Yale to meet and hold conversations with people from the college or any other colleges. We are all staying at home during the pandemic so let me ask you, does your physical home define your success? No, because you define your own success in relation to circumstance.

In the end, I’m pretty sure you know all of this already and perhaps this just serves as a reminder. If anything, on April 6th you may be happy, dissapointed, or anxious (for folks on the waitlist) but know that in the following days, weeks, or months, you will be okay. Trust me. Breathe. You will be okay.


Beautiful and thoughtful !!


Hi everyone!
I just found out my school counselor sent the officially-translated english transcript copy, but forgot to send along the original copy in the original language (I’m international). Do you think I should contact the admissions office? Do you think this error will get me in the rejection pile?
Thank you so much and good luck to y’all!

I don’t think so, it’s pretty late to be sending in anything. I think if it were really an issue, they would have contacted you to send in the original. There’s no way they would reject you for something like that. I’d say don’t worry about it!

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I only have two things on my financial aid checklist - “Parent IRS data retrieving tool” and “Free application for FAFSA.” I see some people have MUCH more than this. is this an issue? I don’t have any “CSS” stuff or other other tax returns.

No interview but daughter not taking it personally.

I mean the FAFSA and CSS are basically the same thing. I don’t know why some schools make you do both. If you are worried, you can just go to the CSS website and fill it out. You have to assign the schools to it so it will then show up on your checklist.

Yale asks that prospective students submit their CSS profile- Prospective & New Students | Financial Aid

If you didn’t complete a CSS profile, I would do so now so that if you’re accepted, you also receive the aid package accompanying your acceptance letter. If you did complete the CSS and requested it be sent to Yale, you might want to contact Yale or check in with CSS.

Best wishes! :crossed_fingers: