Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

if i dont do it, will that affect my chances of acceptance, or just affect the changes of my financial aid?

It should only impact your aid since admissions and financial aid decisions are two separate processes.

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Upon request / submission

Do all admitted students get some form of FA / grants from Yale ??


Aid is need-based, and the majority of applicants do receive some aid. According to Yale’s most recently shared stats, 64% of undergraduate students received aid in '17-'18. Affordability | Financial Aid.

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If they’re actually Need blind how come only a fix set of people get need every year?

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Question for folks familiar with CSS and IDOC, does Yale automatically sync file uploaded on IDOC or do they do that on demand ? My DS has some new dates on FA checklist which seem to match the time frame we uploaded some docs for a different school. But then we don’t see all the changes. So not sure how confidential IDOC uploads are if all universities can access documents meant for a particular university.

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Okey thanks!!

They don’t. They admit need-blind and then give aid accordingly. But naturally not everyone that gets in will meet the threshold for aid, there will be every year a number of admits whose financial situation means they don’t need nor qualify for aid. The number on aid every year therefore varies.

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Just out of curiosity: were decisions released today? All gap year students (including myself) got updates to our admissions portals with the updated 2025 acceptance letter and video. But was curious if that was only for us or all admits. Don’t freak out if you didn’t get it! It could’ve been just for gap year students. Was just curious though.


does everyone have “Student’s 2019 Tax Return” - Not Required in the fa section of their portal? it says mine was uploaded there on 3/3/21 lmao but i havent noticed it there before. i was deferred from rea fyi

from what i’ve heard, yale is the only ivy where getting the interview isnt usually a good sign: it means they cant make a decision and need more info, mostly to see if that’ll overweigh anything negative theyve garnered from your app. i would take it as a good sign, tbh

Does everyone have the option on the portal to upload financial aid documents?

My son was deferred scea and he has that on his fa portal. It has been there for quite a while in his case. Nothing to read into, I believe.


Like out of the people who applied for financial aid?

Yes, in our case.


yeah, thats what i figured … no portal astrology w the ivies ig lol


You know, I keep hearing that and have been too skeptical to believe it, but I wonder if it’s true. The reason why I doubt it is because I got an interview but wasn’t so serious about applying to Yale since it’s not one of my top choices. My interviewer also said, “you must be bright, otherwise we wouldn’t be here!” which sounds like it could be true, but that could also just be him saying whatever

If I do get in, I’ll lose my mind- then it has to be somewhat random there’s no way

i think it would make more sense for it to be true this year, particularly if you live in an urban/metro area where applicants are prescreened: on their website yale specifically states that they will prioritize interviews for those from whom they “need more information” . my friend got a yale interview; she has incredible stats but didnt answer a question on the application (its not her top choice either, she got into georgetown ea). would make sense for them to want to interview her to see if she even wants to go there lol