Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I live in a suburban area, although my friend applied ED and got in. I wonder if her getting in (and us taking similar courses/ecs) would decrease my chances because they might be like “well, we already have someone like her from the same school. reject.”

There is no min/max/quota per HS


I hope that’s the case. She got in early round to one of the other big 4 so presumably she is viewed as qualified. She really likes Yale too and we plan on visiting the campus again if admitted.

Not really sure about how to interpret interviews. My son was accepted in EA and had an interview. He said the interview was just ok and the interviewer didn’t appear to be trying to learn much, more of q&a.

I got an interview and was accepted SCEA to Yale 2025. My interview was a friendly chat and I certainly didn’t feel like they were seeking more info based on the things we talked about. I don’t think interviews should ever be considered a bad thing, nor is not having one! Good luck!


I would tend to disagree with this. My son (class of 2024) had an interview on a Sunday, 18 days before Ivy Day in 2020. Why so late? The interviewer told him that he was supposed to be interviewed long time ago, but whoever was assigned to him dropped the ball and never reached out to him. So this was a different interviewer than originally assigned. She told him during the interview (maybe she wasn’t supposed to) that Yale is very interested in him. Interview itself was in my son’s opinion the best one of all he had. And he went through a lot of interviews (around 15), he applied to 23 schools. And what can I say - he loves Yale. Transition from high school was not tough at all.

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My daughter got an interview two weeks after she applied RD. It wasn’t an alum from our area.

Guys, look at this reddit post.


  • Has this happened in the past? Why is Yale doing this? Could this be real? AHHHH Im so nervous!
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It must be from Yale NUS!

i do know this has happened to athletes in the past years- those that counted on being recruited by a d1, but got a letter last minute saying that they weren’t going to be. ive never heard of it happening to regular applicants though, that is so cold tho omg

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ty!!! i was deferred scea so i certainly hope so :sob: i sent them such a simp letter it better pull through

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i felt that, but for harvard lol

This usually is a thing with athletes and legacies. It isn’t unique to Yale someone I know had received one from Brown years ago. They are extremely rare and while negative it doesn’t mean you’re out of the running for other ivies.

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Colleges I feel are so cruel to these children. I think when they know for sure it’s a rejection, they should tell the kids right away so it’s not this big gut punch reveal at the end where most of the kids feel distraught and only a few are “victors”. We’ve been on both sides of that this cycle and my daughter always feels horrible after acceptances because she thinks of the kids who are devastated. It’s sad actually.


fr like if they have our decisions already might as well tell us especially w a rejection i’d rather know and get it over w

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4 more days to go. My son is international and wanted to stay up and check if he got admitted in the middle of the night. Bit nervous.

I agree, it’s better to let students know if they are rejected asap than waiting for the Dday.

just a question for the people i suppose, how much does a “legacy” status really matter in yale admissions? im kind of a legacy: my dad did his graduate degree+research at yale, which i know doesn’t “count” as much as undergrad. they sent us a letter thanking our dad for “letting his child apply” and listing legacy statistics which im pretty sure is automated based on when u fill out the parents section of the common app lol.
i got deferred scea, which im pretty sure might have been just a courtesy deferral at this point but idk if anyone knows anything abt this

My son has similar legacy status. I did my Masters at Yale. He was also deferred scea. We expect a rejection. We received the same letter and I think it is more to discourage parents from sending emails etc reiterating that their child is a legacy. Essentially, “we know your child is a legacy, we will be sure we give his/her application a thorough review. Please don’t complain if/when your child isn’t accepted.”


For any school that has a single digit admission rate, the expectation going in should be that you will be rejected and that is why it is so critical to have realistic safeties and matches on your list. I agree though that it would be “kinder” to let applicants who don’t get past the initial read to know they are out of contention earlier. They may not do this because it adds another processing step(s) during an extremely busy and already stressful period for the AO.

As to legacies, IMO Yale has one of the lower hook values for legacies these days. Legacy matriculation has been about 12% for some time. Legacies as a group have higher gpas/test scores than the average applicant. This is different from when I attended when legacies made up closer to 25% of the class, and people pretty much knew who the legacies were (and not in a good way). The main advantage to be being a legacy is you are guarantied a second reader.


Every legacy gets that letter!

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