Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

yeah lol im pretty sure its automated to stop parents from annoying yale w calls and emails abt their kids

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yes haha!

anyone else’s checklists deactivated on the portal? :confused:

yeah mine were

same here

“The Admissions Checklist has been deactivated for all first-year applicants.” lol finaid is still there btw

ok was just worried because my fin aid one went away for a minute too and I needed to track if they got a document but it’s back up now

Financial aid checklist has been deactivated for first year applicants. Thats gone too. What does this mean?

it just means decisions are coming

Am super nervous now. I know the offer % is in single digit, my brain says relax but my heart says I want an admission offer.


this is just a general question, but somebody ik just got a likely letter from duke??? how late do ivies usually send their likelies bcs i have never heard of it being THIS late

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How many of you guys have the withdraw button on your Yale portal? I still have it but some people are saying theirs disappeared. I applied RD.

i have it

same. what would that even indicate?

idk its most likely a glitch as theyre currently updating portals i would guess but i have noticed that oftentimes if the button disappears right before the decision (literally a min before) it seems to indicate a rejection. (dont ask me how ik that :pensive:) i highly doubt it means anything rn

before any mods come for me, for nondeceptive, rational reasons I doubt this means anything.

BUT I did look into it and people in the past have said that still having the withdrawal button could be positive. Not sure whether timing has a role or not, but still. I’m very skeptical though bc mine’s still there and have put myself in the mindset that I won’t get in

In all seriousness though, with all these portal hacks or whatever, you’d think people would stop and think that maybe the very brilliant people at these elite institutions working these portals would consider preventing any indications of acceptance/waitlist/rejection before the release dates…maybe…:skull:


I agree to the furthest extent. To put in plainly, Columbia, Yale, etc are NOT going to give anyone an indication of an acceptance/rejection with anything other than a likely letter. To think so is foolish, and to express those ideas only causes unnecessary anxiety.

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Okay, yeah it looks like most people if not pretty much everyone still have it… just checking! Anxiously waiting for the 6th :slight_smile:

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Very true! Though, some colleges I have applied to like Stanford (REA), UC San Diego, etc. had accurate portal indicators before decisions were released…