Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Good idea. Best of luck to all of us!


Best of luck everyone.


Wait so does only having “permanent address” indicate a likely rejection?

No. Stop trying to read the tea leaves.

okie doke thanks!

Normally I would advise applicants obsessively reading last minute minute tea leaves (which never work – any past indicator that people believed worked is just a coincidence that A led to result B for that person) to spend more time with your family and friends enjoying Spring of your senior year. You will never have one of these again. Because of Covid, another alternative is to go to the thread on Binge Watched TV Shows. Some of my favorites:

For those aspiring to a Wall Street Career: Billions on Prime. Dramatized, but a lot of fairly accurate stuff on how hedge funds operate.

Sci FI: Altered Carbon on Netflix. For you philosophers who ponder what is consciousness and its relation to the soul.

For those aspiring CIA operatives: The Americans on Prime. Accurate portrayal of a lot of spycraft.

Potential Far Eastern Studies majors: Qin Alliance on Netflix. About the great great grandfather of the First Emperor during the Warring States period. Historically fairly accurate with the usual condensation of timeline and characters.

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hey, I only have a permanent address, don’t have any mailing address
Even the word “Mailing Address” is not written in my portal

I have both a mailing and permanent address (which are the same) but only have the option to change my mailing address…?

you guys are making me crazy man, the Yale admissions ppl are probably looking at this thread like-

what if they’ve been intentionally putting subtle hints and seeing if we’re smart enough to figure them out though holy s***

or what if they have these secret ways of choosing applicants (after a certain point of review ofc) like out of a hat or some game…

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u should be able to change both. if you click change addresses u can configure both the permanent and mailing addresses.

Anyone here applying for CS at Yale, any input on how Yale is compared to the other school where CS is considered more competitive?

What is the % of International students admission for undergraduate at Yale?

not true. maybe you never indicated that they were different when you applied.

what about any recs for us pre-law folks? i cant bear to watch “suits” more than i have to

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hey guys i have a really random question, is it yale college or yale university? i’ve seen both, and i’m not sure which one to say when i tell people i applied.


The original Law and Order and Better Call Saul. Favorite movies are The Verdict and 12 Angry Men. The law shows generally follow litigators – makes for better drama. Started in litigation myself because that is what they mostly teach you in law school but transferred out to M&A after a year. Big Law litigation for junior attorneys is no fun – lots of hours in the library or sorting through discovery files for cases that go on forever. Liked the transactional side where there is an end game that is definite and collaborative, for the most part.

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Yale College is the undergrad college within Yale University. The University includes the law school, med school, etc.

You just tell people that you’re going to Yale.


There is Yale College, which is the undergraduate portion of the University and there is the University which is comprised of the College and all grad and professional schools.

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Guys, you can literally edit and add more permanent and mailing addresses. It means nothing! Take this from someone who got carried away in the Berkeley and NYU indicators - even if you do track a few changes on your portal that you think indicates a particular decision, you will still toss and turn to verify this on the decision day. I strongly suggest not engaging with these speculations. We have done our part by applying, let’s let colleges decide, and let us know. Till then, keep smiling, enjoying, doing what you love - because this decision is in no way going to define you or determine all the wonderful things you will do in life and trying to know ahead of time will bring no value to us!


My daughter’s former lab buddy got a likely letter two days ago. She’s wondering why there would be likely letters at this point.