Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

what exactly about a likely letter is devastating? lol

I read on a different forum that some received sort of “unlikely” letter very recently from Yale.

it was actually a rejection from yale nus, so for now there hasnt been a real “unlikely” that would be cruel i think lol

My daughter’s friend just received a likely letter, not an unlikely letter. Just curious about why Yale would do this so close to the decision date.

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out of curiosity, is she a prospective stem major? i’ve heard that they r more likely to receive those types of letters

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I got this email about my FAFSA and im pretty sure it means nothing but anyone know?? It says I had an update processed even though I never made one and it said “This correction was processed based upon updates received from another government agency or as a result of a processing system change. Review your SAR to see what effect, if any, this change has had on your application.”
Im pretty sure this is just nothing but anyone know if it could mean anything??

I only applied to Ivys and GT in the USA so there isn’t any other school that could be using it since i got rejected from GT

Yes. They are biochem folk. My daughter is happy her lab buddy received the letter. He’s an amazing young man.


congrats to them!!! i’m a prospective comp lit major so not exactly likely letter material i would think LOL

Somewhat unusual for early April as most of the likely letters were issued in February, but they must have really liked particular aspect of his application.

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i’ve had a classmate get a duke likely letter yesterday and that comes out in 2 days. maybe the higher number of applicants has something to do w it? more competition, i suppose

Just to quash any more doubt:

Agree with the above per the mailing vs. permanent address. I had only my permanent address pop up so I decided to test it*. In the drop down, if you have two addresses and both are listed as “permanent” or you have one address listed as permanent, the mailing address will not show. I changed one of the addresses which I had down as permanent and suddenly instead of having just a “permanent” address I had both a permanent and mailing address (I had two different addresses intially labeled as permanent). The same would work if you add the same address that you have as “permanent” and put a “mailing” label on it. Therefore, it isn’t an indicator at all about how you will fare in the process.

*But for the future, don’t look for these “indicators” anyway. They only cause much uneeded stress; there are 3 days left until decisions so the wait to have a concrete decision is almost here either way.


The only good thing about being rejected from Yale is we won’t get those Yale NUS emails anymore.


Hey just a question, does everyone have the withdraw button?

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I don’t know what this means…but I had two addresses yesterday, and now I only have one

I have both my adresses and the withdraw button too.

This probably sounds dumb but will AOs read newly submitted supplementary materials at this point? I just got an official letter of appreciation from a national commission for my research paper and presentation. It’s supposed to be huge as almost all the recipients are university students.

yeah; and honestly, i highly doubt any changes now indicate anything. those few real portal astrology changes happened literal minutes before the decision, i wouldnt worry rn. 2 days!

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Ps. I’m sure it means absolutely nothing. Decision’ll come whenever it’ll come lol

I think all universities are pretty much done. If I were you, I’d wait until decisions came out, and then if you’re waitlisted anywhere, use the achievement as one of the focal points in your letter of continued interest.

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I got in without an interview REA.