Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

And my daughter got in REA into another of HYPS (without an interview). She didn’t get an interview for Yale. Consequently it’s confusing as to why and when but must assume that it’s basically random.


Let’s just take it as it is from the Yale website. If they requested an interview, they needed more information. That could be either good or bad. Certainly a great opportunity and while it does indicate some sort of pre-screening, it also implies that applicants can get in without an interview, assuming Yale does not need any further information from them.

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Does anyone know of anyone who got interview REA then got rejected?

yeah, lol like 6 people from my school applied rea, 3 got interviews and two of them got rejected. other one deferred

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So my son found two emails requesting an interview in his junk mail. They were sent in Nov, and he discovered them in late Feb/early March. He applied EA and was deferred. He sent an email apologizing profusely and they attached it to his file. Regardless of how much weight the interview has, he certainly felt that not even responding to the interviewer couldn’t have made a good impression.

He still got deferred, which must have meant he was a strong candidate!

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This happened to me with a (non-ivy) school of mine where they found a discrepancy between my CSS and FAFSA so they reached out to me asking for clarification. Turns out it was an error in my FAFSA so they fixed that and submitted a change themselves. All it means is your expected family contribution in your FAFSA might change a bit.

In my case they said it was a pre-screening before any admissions decisions were made but in your case I’m not sure since it’s so close to release day. Maybe it’s something?

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If you haven’t listened to this yet (from the Yale podcast), then: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL3lhbGVwb2RjYXN0cy5ibHVicnJ5Lm5ldC9jYXRlZ29yeS9pbnNpZGVfeWFsZV9hZG1pc3Npb25zL2ZlZWQv/episode/aHR0cDovL3lhbGVwb2RjYXN0cy5ibHVicnJ5Lm5ldC8_cD0xNjc1?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjpiYCuqObvAhUzElkFHSZEBa4QjrkEegQIBBAF&ep=6. Great reminders for decisions in one day.


that likely letter podcast was very helpful, ty!!!


one more day…


They actually uploaded a new one about decision day: the link above is for that one but i think that there are more platforms to listen to it.

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Yo yall heard about Yale’s court case?

yeah kinda

yeah i heard

do you have a link to any reports?



ahhh i knew about this

this could affect admissions innit

could this affect admissions tho ■■■

idk hopefully not yale my last hope