Yale Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

i dont

We have 11 hours left. no more paranoia please. it never works in the end.


yes. My application checklist and my financial aid checklist are all “deactivated” in the portal.

When everyone is out to get you, paranoia is just GOOD THINKING! “Dr. Johnny Fever, WKRP in Cincinnati”


I also have this change.

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Paranoia, the destroyer!

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guys this isn’t paranoia this is actually something I think

i don’t have this change… after the “deactivated” sentence my screen is blank

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me too…

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someone with a likely said that they’re portal has that change too

i’m not sure if it means anything though… the ratio of ppl who have the change vs. don’t have the change is pretty even atp, which doesn’t make sense w yale’s acceptance rate

So the person with the likely said they still have the Status, Form, Date table?

there’s a poll on reddit and right now the majority of the people say that there is no change


perhaps the portals are being updated in waves

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My guess is that the “status, form, date” change is for those with waitlists?

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Can someone with the “status, form, date” change upload a screenshot?

I always have the “status, form, date” but ig thats bc i submitted supp material


Someone had posted it above.

same here. I always had it because they never deactivated supplement checklists.

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