Yale Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

It should be either 5pm or 7pm (EST)! We’re not sure which one yet, but those are typically the two times yale releases decisions! And yup, just log into the portal at that time and the status update should be there!

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Those two students who didn’t get interviewed are definitely not auto-admit and they have lower strengths compared to another two. A interview gave more confidence to applicants that they will have higher chances to be accepted or deferred, but won’t likely to be rejected in the early round.

What makes you say they were worse?

Unless you’ve done a comprehensive holistic review of all these students’ applications - how are you able to say with certainty who has “lower strength”?


This whole thread has deteriorated to sheer speculation with absurd posts comparing students and claiming they know who is better qualified for interviews and admission. Rest assured that there are more individuals with 1600 test scores and perfect GPAs, president of their class, who are NOT admitted every year. This year, like every other year, there will be individuals who have sub 1400 scores or don’t even submit scores, didn’t take any AP classes, have a 3.7 GPA and don’t have an identifiable hook. Those are likely the more interesting candidates to the admission officers because they don’t look just like most other applicants. Please stop with the absurd speculation OR at a minimum spend the next three days away from here, maybe listen to the Admissions Department PodCast… if you have already, you’d benefit from listening again. Good luck to ALL, even those who might add a little diversity to the ho-hum “perfect”, “text book” applicant that several believe they can identify and are comparing their child to. Wednesday will come soon enough!


They’re my son’s classmates since middle school. I know them very well. Even their moms told me they didn’t understand why their kids applied to Yale SCEA because they didn’t expect them to get in. You don’t need to argue with me.


Thank you so much! Someone had to say it👍🏽 Best of luck to everyone!


I’m not arguing, I was just curious. Thank you for the clarification.

As I said in a response to an earlier comment, I don’t think it’s good to try to scrutinize other students. You really don’t know all the ins and outs of kids who are not your own and what they may bring to the table. It’s not good to make assumptions, and the conjecture won’t really help.

Time is better spent doing something a little relaxing, encouraging your and other kids along the process, working on RD possibilities or making sure you have a few safeties. Trying to analyze other students’ perceived weaknesses helps no one. Most of these kids have what it takes to do well at Yale. It just depends on how they build their class. They will look at many factors to create a diverse class.


Well said @CheetahBee and @Bulldog86

Speculating about other kids’ chances and judging their strength as applicants isn’t adding any value to this thread.


Not sure how well informed that interviewer was or if he/she was passing along an uninformed comment. Never have heard of the AO turning down volunteers. In fact we are asked each year if we would do telephone/Skype type interviews outside our region. I have done some virtual interviewing of candidates from big cities outside my region, so there is a shortage not a surplus situation.

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At this point the die is cast for SCEA. You or your kid did their best and I am sure they all are more than qualified. It is a numbers game, too many great kids for very limited spots. Best of luck to all. Wanted to share my favorite prank on the “other” school to give you all a laugh. Harvard Says "WE SUCK" - YouTube


Is it reasonable to assume that if I’m deferred for admission that I’m a relatively strong applicant and likely in good standing with other T20 schools?

You can make no such assumption on what a Yale admissions decision means for your application to other universities.

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Seems like you are all like me. More anxious than my kid. LOL


There is no harm doing it.

If my admissions checklist is deactivated until noon on December 16th, does this mean an automatic denial?

No everyone has that

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Okay cool, thank you! My stress is making my brain go insane with possibilities.

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Haha don’t worry about it! Try to destress

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