<p>Got into both...wondering which one to pick. Thoughts, experience or any knowledge about the two programs would be appreciated. YAY</p>
<p>I haven’t been to either, but LBW definitely looks more prestigious and useful, if you’re interested in Business. PLE is more a Macroecon look while LBW is probably a more Microecon look. It depends on whether you want to be an economist or a businessman. </p>
<p>Do you mind sharing your stats? I’m going for LBW next year, and I want to see how I might do. Any tips on application will also be appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>Haha thanks. I see what u mean. I go to a prep school in New England, and I honestly think I have rather mediocre stats…nothing too impressive. </p>
What school do you go to