yayyy last final chances post!

<p>Hey everyone, last time I'm posting my stats...hoping for some more opinions!</p>

<p>Indian female (born in usa...)
public school in IL
GPA- 5.7/6
Rank- 13/451
SAT II's- math II 690 (retaking it this weekend), chem 670, lit (taking it this weekend), i took ush but did terrible so im not sending it</p>

-Spanish NHS
-varsity badminton- captain
-bharatnatyam (indian dance)- 11 yrs
-ethnic fair- choreographer
-Business Professionals of America
-Hornet Habits
-Peer Leadership Network- executive board member
-Volunteer at Hospital (200 hrs..) - junior volunteer council member
-Volunteer at library (100 hrs..) - teen advisory board member</p>

<p>i did an internship at the hospital this past summer...made me realize i probably dont want to do med...well see though.. im doing another internship in business soon</p>

Soph year = psych (5), euro (4)
junior year = spanish (4), chem (4), english (3), ush (3)
senior year = stats, bio, econ, calc ab, english</p>

<p>I will be applying as an econ major..everywhere except uic gppa medicine</p>

<p>Northwestern (ED)
uic gppa

<p>essays and recs should be fine..</p>

<p>any advice would be GREAT, thanks in advance!</p>

<p>come onnn, no one has any opinions??</p>

<p>bump plz..</p>

<p>i dun think u have a choice on what to send...</p>

<p>yeah i do..its the new college board policy..u can pick which scores to send</p>

<p>I believe the policy is only for those submitting scores after 3/09.</p>

<p>well then...thats not good!
will one bad score really hurt me? i got a 540 on us..
im taking math again, lit, and maybe spanish this weekend</p>

<p>yeah new collegeboard policy is liek for '10s not 09s</p>

<p>not much you can do about it, so let it go.</p>

<p>bump plz..</p>

<p>Good chances northwestern ED, duke is a reach with fair to excellent chances on the rest. Unholy is also correct, 09'ers do not have a choice on what to send, its all or nothing.</p>

<p>is a 5.7/6 gpa even possible? what is that on a 4.0 scale?</p>

<p>no its on a 6.0 scale.. so yes its possible</p>


<p>bump pleaseeee! would love more input..</p>