Yes, I'm a liberal. But...


<p>I am generally against tariffs and economic protectionism, as well as subsidies of failing industries.</p>

<p>But I'm also against government telling people that they can't marry with their own gender.</p>

<p>So basically, I'm more libertarian than anything.</p>

<p>Let me explain my problem with some of those who label themselves "liberals" --
Many people think that because liberal ideas = moral ideas that they have come to believe in these ideas in the right way and for the right reasons. However, I myself have encountered many "brainwashed liberals" who have never reflected upon these ideas before believing in them. This becomes more similar to blind faith and further away from reasoned thinking. You are not moral and good because you might happen to believe in some things that might by chance be moral -- especially if you did not come to back up these wonderful liberal ideas in a legitimate way.
I always like to ask liberals why they believe in what they believe in -- and if they can answer something better than because I think it seems right then I will have no problem with them.
I would categorize myself as generally more liberal than conservative, but I cannot say that I am a true liberal, nor would I want to claim that... As it is impossible to believe in everything of a certain political party.
My teacher once told me something that I think everyone should think about -- there is no reason to search to have an opinion on everything. To come to truly believe in something that you would fight for, it takes time and thought...</p>

<p>The problem with labels, even accurate ones, is that they tend to provide frames. Of course, frames can be useful to help provide direction for a sort of "thought schema," but it can also be self-limiting. I know plenty of folks who see to it that because they consider themselves "liberal," they adhere to everything that's supposedly "liberal" to believe; of course, the opposite happens with "conservatives."</p>

<p>Well, screw that. </p>

<p>Like our German friend above seems to suggest, it's best to feel your way through every situation, and come to a conclusion based on the evidence at hand, as opposed to just saying, "Well, I'm liberal, so I'm for this!"</p>

<p>Still, the gap between theory and practice are something we could all work on...</p>


<p>No problem - it is hard to evaluate online comments, and I'm sorry if I inadvertently stepped on your online toes.</p>


<p>Not even sure you have one; as it is, here, in this forum, she is just a fiction to me, or, for the purposes of this thread, a literary/rhetorical device. No offense to anyone not actually posting-- or named—as it should be.</p>

<p>On the other hand, you have been pretty cruel, or as noted above, an endearing <em>meanie</em>.</p>

<p>A+ for Nietzsche. Thats what Ive been trying to do here, hopefully making people actually fight for their beliefs instead of just saying "omfg youre an idiot"...and if they cant, maybe its because they need to reevaluate their beliefs...even though we all may not like people like FS or UCLAri (or even myself), at least we have put enough thought into our belief system, whatever they may be, so that we can argue them.</p>


<p>I've kept my comments directed at YOU, not at others, because YOU have the opportunity to at least defend yourself. Launching vitriol at someone completely unconnected to you, public figures aside-- not as hypocritical as some might think-- is low. It's like me saying that because so-and-so is rotten, their dog must be too.</p>

<p>Well, damnit, keep the dog out of it. </p>

<p>That's why I think you were low. Plus, I'm openly vitriolic when I want to be. You, on the other hand, try to disguise it with flowery language and clever rhetoric designed to make it seem like you're not really saying what you're saying. And I think that's far worse than someone coming out and saying, "God, you're a twit."</p>

Launching vitriol at someone completely unconnected to you


<p>I think you owe it to <em>whoever</em> to direct us to this vitriol as I have no recollection of ever dissing your <em>girl</em>...perhaps your romantic acumen as a dogged materialist (in another context), but no more than that...the Ari doth protest too much, methinks. </p>

<p>You chew on this bone far too often Ari; it's not particularly clever, or to the point, it seems as if you are using <em>her</em> as a screen; a human shield, if I may say. </p>

<p>Play fair.</p>



<p>No chivalrous defense, that; and all from one adorably <em>low</em> and recent post. Let’s at least be honest with silly-softie, you. </p>

<p>Hiding beneath a skirt is unbecoming of a first-rate mind/man…and decidedly uncomfortable for the be-skirted girl so abused, especially while perched upon heels.</p>

<p>FWIW, however, you have penned some rather well reasoned posts in another, more <em>mature</em> forum. Well done. I was listening. While not ranting against the spirit you are highly capable of some interesting thoughts/observations. There is yet hope for humankind, no?</p>

<p>Please stop posting. You're either a troll or you're a jerkoff, since your posts seem to have a very thesaurus-like quality to them. Believe me, you're not half as witty or half as eloquent as you think you are.</p>

I'm a student at Dartmouth, where I write for the Review <a href=""&gt;;/a> as associate editor and I now write for The New Criterion <a href=""&gt;;/a>. I haven't a clue who you are. </p>

<p>Many here know me personally and most know my actual name, including Ari, who I adore. I know nothing about you beyond the fact that you love-a-good-brew and dim-witted confrontation--presumably while indulging your first love--and that's about it. </p>

<p>As for your writing, I don't need to editorialize; it speaks loudly for itself, if not quite well of itself.</p>

<p>...posting while intoxicated, no doubt…just sleep it off, </p>


<p>nerverborn, ohhh i see, i was thinking social programs. nvm. essentially isnt that just conservative tho? or maybe republican is what im thinking.</p>

<p>nietz. i agree no one can be a true liberal. but there's a diff. in being a liberal and a democrat. dem-political party; liberal- philosophy. anyway, i agree with what you're saying. of course everyone thinks that their journey to their affiliation is correct...if you claim to truly believe it. but i think i am very liberal. i of course cannot call myself a "true" liberal or as i like to call it an absolute liberal. (absolute-the theme of my posts in this thread = ] ) b/c i thnk the people that are the most extremem in their thinking are always the weakest b/c they are unable understand the other side. they are the ones that go for hard core liberals to die hard conservatives. but yeah, its a process, and one that i dont think ends until one reaches self actualization...which,i believe, is late in life. </p>

<p>but hey, thats just me. :)</p>

<p>Social programs should all be abolished.</p>

<p>Republicans are statists as well - they proclaim to hate big government while paying lip service to tearing down welfare and Social Security - yet want to install their own big government - prohibiting flag burning, abortion, gay marriage, sodomy, and violent video games. The Republicans seem to think it's okay if its THEIR big government.</p>

<p>It's always been that way. I'm a liberal but I disagree with welfare because most of these people are just lazy people who don't want to get jobs(from my experiences)</p>

<p>It is perhaps better to base your ideas/politics on what is true (as you have rigorously determined) than on what you “feel” (anecdotally and through the limits of experience): No matter where such truth takes you.</p>

<p>I really don't understand. Because personal experiences, I feel, are a pretty good way for you to base something because well, you've personally experienced them.</p>

I'm a student at Dartmouth, where I write for the Review <a href=""&gt;;/a> as associate editor and I now write for The New Criterion <a href=""&gt;;/a>. I haven't a clue who you are.


<p>We had no idea. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I kid. </p>

<p>But really. :p</p>

It is perhaps better to base your ideas/politics on what is true (as you have rigorously determined) than on what you “feel” (anecdotally and through the limits of experience): No matter where such truth takes you.


<p>And this is, of course, the inherent problem with establishing an effective political theory. What's "truth" in politics?</p>

No chivalrous defense, that; and all from one adorably <em>low</em> and recent post. Let’s at least be honest with silly-softie, you.


<p>You missed the point of that post, methinks. But fair enough.</p>


FWIW, however, you have penned some rather well reasoned posts in another, more <em>mature</em> forum. Well done. I was listening. While not ranting against the spirit you are highly capable of some interesting thoughts/observations. There is yet hope for humankind, no?


<p>And you wonder why I sincerely think you're rude at times? I don't know if you realize it, but you can write an entirely decent post, and then end it on such a sour note. Do you realize you're doing this? I usually don't, myself.</p>

<p>lay back on the couch, ari, and tell us just how you have come to associate 'hope for humankind' with 'sour notes'. What fs wrote was a compliment, albeit backhanded. Why do such positive appraisals make you uncomfortable? The way you deflected, one might suppose the hypothetical girlfriend to have been reading over your shoulder? away.</p>