Yet Another Chance Me!

Chance me, please!

Demographics: Male, South Asian-American, 12th grade, Washington resident (16/17 of my years), US citizen. First generation immigrant. Both parents have Bachelor’s degrees.

Applying to Elliott school, expected major in International Affairs

General Academics:
IB Diploma candidate, took two IB sciences (physics and chemistry), and took all honors classes offered by my school (4 total).

Unweighted GPAs:
9th grade - 3.475
10th grade - 3.639
11th grade - 3.582 - 5 IB classes (I want to note, this is when I began taking IB classes. One class (IB SL Chemistry) severely lowered my GPA, and it is the only time I have gotten a C+ in High School (this was during first semester; I increased that class’s grade by 10% second semester).
12th grade - unknown - 6 IB classes

My school doesn’t weight GPAs, but it’s something around 3.95. Keep in mind, I took the maximum amount of honors and IB classes which my school offers. Full IB Diploma.

ACT (2 attempts):
Super Score of 30
English 31, Math 30, Reading 30, Science 28; Essay 8

SAT (1 attempt)
Total score of 1410
Math 730, Reading/Writing 680

Extra Curriculars:
Founder and President of a debate club (1 year)
Founding member and Treasurer of MUN (2 years)
Team leader for Rocketry (3 years)

Program for mentoring local Elementary grade students (2 Years)
Was a teaching assistant for a Summer school (1 Summer)
Counselor at a local YMCA camp for 5th graders (1 week)

~150+ hours total

Probably not a deal breaker or maker.

Letters of Rec:
One very good letter.


I think your stats “meet the mark” for acceptance to the Elliott School, but they’re on the lower side. With that said, I think it’ll come down to the amount of interest you convey, your essay, and how you stack-up against the other Elliott School applicants (as it fluctuates from year to year). Good luck!