Yet another chance thread

<p>Hello everyone! I am a *very eager sophomore already looking at colleges and admission statistics. If I could be chanced/ critiqued for Georgia tech, that would be extremely helpful.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Computer science
Stats as a SOPHOMORE:
GPA: 3.714
ACT: 28 (expected to improve)
act math: 28
act reading: 28
act english: 28
act science: 29</p>

<p>SAT composite: 1870</p>

<p>Current math: Advanced Algebra
Also enrolled in AP Computer Science</p>

Executive board for high school speech team
Pole vault on track
Web designer for school newspaper
2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo
Freshman mentor
Not very many service hours...</p>

<p>From this point, what will I need to do my junior year to increase my chances of getting in, and what chances do I have with the statistics I already have? Thank you!</p>

<p>It’s where you stand at the end of your junior year that will count. </p>

<p>Georgia Tech reports these averages for the students they just accepted for the class of 2015: GPA 3.94, SAT slightly over 2100, and 3 AP courses before senior year. There’s your target. Tech will weigh AP/IB courses. </p>

<p>If you apply early your senior year and get deferred, you’ll have an opportunity to self-report your first sememster senior grades. Tech doesn’t care much for SAT subject exams or ACT Reading and Science, although high scores couldn’t hurt.</p>

<p>Your UWGPA looks good, so keep that up. Your SAT and ACT are low, but it’s a good starting point as a sophomore and should come up next year. </p>

<p>The AP CS is good. Make sure you’re on a path for AP Calc senior year. Also, try for an AP science in your junior year if you can.</p>

<p>The EC’s seem ok. Taekwondo will look good since it’s understood that it takes considerable dedication to make it to black belt. I would try to stick with some of the current clubs and continue to try to get into leadership positions.</p>