<p>I thought I would share these with you. Please don't find them offensive.</p>
<p>1)Yo mama's so stupid that under "Education" on her job application, she put "Hooked on Phonics."
2)Yo mama's so stupid when she asked me what kind of jeans I wore, I said Guess and she said "Ah Levi's?"
3)Yo mama's so stupid, I saw her in the frozen food section with a fishing rod.
4)Yo mama's so stupid, I saw her walking down the street yelling into an envelope, asked what she was doing, and she said sending a voice mail.
5)Yo mama's so stupid, if she spoke her mind, she'd be speechless.
6)Yo mama's so stupid, it takes her 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes.
7)Yo mama's so stupid, it takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
8)Yo mama's so stupid, on her job application where it says emergency contact she put 911.
9)Yo mama's so stupid, she asked for a price check at the dollar store.
10)Yo mama's so stupid, she asked you "What is the number for 911".
11)Yo mama's so stupid, if you gave her a penny for her intelligence you'd get change.
12)Yo mama's so stupid, she called the 7-11 to see when they closed.
13)Yo mama's so stupid, she got a part time job painting skittles.
14)Yo mama's so stupid, she got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away all the W's.
15)Yo mama's so stupid, she needed a tutor to learn how to scribble.
16)Yo mama's so stupid, she put a quarter in a parking meter and waited for a gum ball to come out.
17)Yo mama's so stupid, she put a ruler on her pillow to see how long she slept.
18)Yo mama's so stupid, she sold the car for gas money.
19)Yo mama's so stupid, she studied for a blood test and failed.
20)Yo mama's so stupid, she tried to drown a fish.
21)Yo mama's so stupid, she tried to throw a bird off a cliff.
22)Yo mama's so stupid, she was locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
23)Yo mama's so stupid, when she read on her job application to not write below the dotted line, she put "O.K."
24)Yo mama's so stupid, when she went by the YMCA she said "Hey, they spelled Macy's wrong."</p>
<p>You can list more 'yo momma' jokes as long as they aren't offensive.</p>