You chance me , I chance you OK?

<p>GPA: w=3.75 (9-12);w=3.93(10-11)
SAT I : 1920
SAT II : Math IIC : 780
Chem :770
Physics : 720
US history : 670
AP Grades: Calc AB =5; Physics B=5; Chem =5
-Couple of math/physics awards
-over 250+ hours of volunteering @ public library
-started with a couple of friends 2 new clubs : Indian Student Association and Physics Club
Major: chemical engineering

<p>UCSB : chem eng/ elec eng
UCIrvine : computer science (impacted i think) / chem
UCSD : chem eng / math applied
UCLA : chem eng / materials eng
UCBerkeley : chem eng </p>

<p>thank you=)</p>

<p>Please ? BUMP
16 views 0 reply … =(</p>

<p>in at ucsb, uci
probably in at ucsd
very good chance at ucla and ucb
chance back please?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>la and b are reach, sd is high match, in at others</p>

<p>Agreed with post above. Berkeley engineering is quite competitive. </p>

<p>Your rank would help for further analysis</p>

<p>LA and Berkeley are a stretch, very good shots at Irvine and SB. I’m assuming you’ve already turned in your application? If so, best of luck!</p>

<p>school does not rank but in the top 10%
thanks to all

<p>school does not rank but in the top 10%
thanks to all

<p>UCSB : match
UCIrvine : match
UCSD : match
UCLA : reach
berkley reach
you probably have a higher chance of getting into ucla than berkley. good luck</p>

<p>thanks aznnjsenior09</p>

<p>BUMP , please help</p>

<p>amby i think you are in except berk and ucla might be a reach.</p>

<p>now me.</p>

<p>Freshman at Rutgers- Guessing yearly GPA will be a 3.3-3.6
Great HS EC’s… Pres of class, key club, governor’s school scholar.
Average SAT scores. 550s across the board.
HS GPA 3.4</p>

<p>Transfer schools:
Franklin and Marshall: Applied VERY LATE last year after realizing I loved the school(interviewed/toured). FM takes most of its student ED, so that probably screwed me.
University of Mary Washington: Got in last year with some scholarship money. Didn’t realize how good the school is until a few months ago. Very good public LAC.
JMU, Gettysburg, or Ursinus is the third school I will apply to most likely.</p>

<p>hmm yeah, I have to agree with everyone else, matches for all except for Berk and LA which are reaches.</p>

<p>can someone give me a list in percents for example safety = 90% in , guaranteed = 100%
i don’t understand the reach / match thing</p>

<p>i’d say uci ucsb ucsd in easily
la and berkley are chancy but good chances.</p>

<p>Thanks guys

<p>Hope this is how you wanted to be chanced…</p>

<p>UCSB : 95 percent
UCIrvine : 90 percent
UCSD : 80 percent
UCLA : 65 percent
UCBerkeley : 45 percent</p>

<p>Hope this helps! </p>

<p>Also, come chance me at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You seem quite antsy. Don’t worry about admissions right now. There is nothing you can do so just enjoy the rest of your senior year. I know you’re anxious to know where you’ll be accepted, but just relax because you’ll be accepted somewhere.</p>

<p>bump this baby up one more time
thanks to all up to now</p>

<p>Berkley and UCLA are a bit of a reach with a 1920-- but definetly not low enough to knock you out of the running.</p>

<p>I doubt you will have any trouble w/ the others.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Im guessing you live in California so with your stats you will most likely get into all of them with LA and Berkeley as match/high match. Good luck, I’m sure you will get into most of them.</p>