<p>Background: male high school junior</p>
<p>RE compliance
I definitely understand how some guys have trouble working within stupid, pointless little sets of rules. There have been times this year when I’ve been tempted to just write “The cat ran fast” over and over again for AP Lang essays because the class is so pointless. But here’s the thing: I don’t do it. I’m just a high school kid, but I’d be willing to bet a fair amount of money that everyone has to do something they don’t want to do at some point in life. Bill Gates probably had plenty of times where he went along with the status quo because he had to in order to accomplish his goals. Yes, creativity is important. But learning how to suck it up and execute even when it isn’t oh-so-perfectly-interesting matters too.</p>
<p>RE fantasy games
I’m not trying to pick a fight here, but I don’t like the way you equate things like Magic to sports. I used to have some pretty vitriolic feelings towards organized athletics (which I basically saw as a scam when you could just exercise on your own for free), but I’ve changed my view on that. Nobody fully understands how the human mind works, but physical activity definitely works a different part of the mind from a board game and for me at least it makes a huge difference in terms of mental cleansing.</p>
<p>I also want to second what BigAppleDaddy said about personal interaction. I play chess everyday, often for several hours. However, that does not replace debating or playing ping-pong or anything else precisely because it does not involve truly interacting with another person.</p>
<p>RE learning environments
I’d like to see more opportunities for kinesthetic learners in the classroom. Working something out across a whiteboard instead of on a piece of paper can make a big difference in terms of attention span.</p>