<p>Hey! I've recently become interested in Mount Holyoke, and it's a lonnggg way away for me but I found that people on this board seemed to have a much better experience at Holyoke then say... sites like ***** or Students Review. I wanted to know if there was any reason you could think of for this difference, and also what your experience was there, if you would do choose Holyoke again, etc. </p>
<p>Hey, Cherrybabygirl. I can guess why there is a difference. A site like students review is generally attractive to people who like to complain. They can get in there, vent, and then get out. A site like this, however, is less attractive to those people because the threads make it more of an interactive community. I think you’ll see the same trends between the discussion boards and review sites of most colleges.</p>
<p>I can tell you right now that some of the comments on that site are ridiculous and false just based on my own experiences and what I’ve seen with my friends and acquaintances. Some people just like to rant and make excuses for their unhappiness. </p>
<p>I would definitely choose MHC again. I’ve met the best people here. The only time I ever question my choice is when I have a million things to do and just think “well, why didn’t I pick a college that I could breeze through?” But even when I’m stressed I know that that’s not what I really want. Seriously, Moho has so much to offer. I can’t even cover it all, though if you want you could go through some of the old threads where I go on and on about everything hehe.</p>