Your GW Fly-In Program 2017

What were your guys’ stats if you dont mind me asking? Also, I know I may never know, but do you guys have any idea why I might have been rejected? I’m just curious as it may help me with other applications :slight_smile:

4.57 W, 3.92 UW! Letter of rec was from my AP Bio teacher also V squad tennis coach. I wrote about a school failing it’s students by not preparing them for the diversity of the world.

@NYUCO22 Congratulations! Did you receive travel assistance?! If so, congratulations again-- that’s awesome!!
And thanks-- I’m hoping I’ll be able to go to!

@collegehrh Woah-- your GPA is awesome! (You too, @NYUCO22!) I’m nowhere near that high-- 3.75 UW/3.79 W. I sent both my HS and dual-enrollment transcripts, and my letter of rec was from my junior class committee adviser (I’m her intern for senior year now, though).

I’m sorry, though, @collegehrh, but I can’t think of any reason why you would be rejected. You’re a minority (one whose identity is especially being politicized right now). However, which essay topic did you choose? They were both about diversity, just one was about should it be factored into college admissions, and the other was the personal experience. But it sounds like you picked the first one, and I didn’t read your essay, as you know, but all I can think of is maybe the 2nd more personal one would’ve showcased you more/better as a person? If I’m completely wrong-- sorry!!

I chose the second essay and really wrote about my experiences outside my school/community environment as a Black (LGBTQ+) person in majority White areas, especially while doing extra-curricular activities. At the end of it, I basically said why I hoped to attend.

Oh, and wait, @NYUCO22 you sent two letters of rec?! Lol, I should’ve been at the level. :smiley: :smiley:

Well I didn’t apply for assistance ( I go to a top tier private school so no reason trying, but it like this my family is like a Midwest version of blackish) my counselor is the best he sent them with out asking when he heard “ will you send my transcript” also I hope you can go too!

@HalfwayThereUni1 have you booked travel, I think forms and stuff are due today. :-S :frowning:

@NYUCO22 ;D LOL, a midwest version of Blackish! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And legit, GW is the best. I had just sent an email saying how sorry I was I couldn’t go but really wanted to, and they helped me out (not money wise, just like safety/security peace of mind wise)! LOL, I was too hype :smiley: I hope they’re not sick of me before I even get there hides face
Can’t wait to meet you, though!

Hey all, what airport and time is everyone who got in flying into? I’d love to grab coffee, chat, and take the train to campus with a fellow applicat!