your thoughts on chances - grinnell/oberlin

<p>Well, I'm not someone going to the ivies, and I reeealize I'm not the best with my statistics. I'm one of those people who didn't realize how important freshman year was. At least I'm getting straight As NOW, and have become very dedicated. So, please anyone or everyone or whomever, what do you think my chances are for:</p>

<p>Main two:

<p>Other prospects:
mayyybe Carleton</p>

<p>white female - presently a sophomore
GPA: about 3.5 after this semester (possibly 3.6) - not the greatest, I know :\ Will be raising it - trust me.
Have not taken any AP exams/ACT/SAT yet
Rank: 80ish out of ~430 students (again...I know. I'm working on it.)</p>

Freshman: Biology, Spanish I, Algebra I, Modern World (history), English Honors for one semester, regular for one semester, Art
Sophomore: American Studies (English/History combo class), Geometry, Health (psh, required), Photography I and II, Chemistry, Spanish II
Junior (will be): AP English III, Algebra II (honors?), Spanish III, Physics, World Literature, Consumer Education (req.), Structure of English, Choir, Music Theory I, Music Theory II or Critical Approaches to Film
Senior will be: English IV Honors, Creative Writing, AP Environmental Science, Astronomy, AP Government, Spanish 5 AP (take Spanish 4 over summer), Functions & Pre-calc/Trig, Music Theory III and IV OR Psych I and II, Independent Study on Vietnam War & era, then open elective, probably for Photo III or some other art class, or Choir</p>

<p>AP/Honors classes I will have taken by the end of high school:
English Honors I, AP English III, AP Environmental Science, AP Government, AP Spanish 5. (possibly Algebra Honors or Pre-calc/Trig honors. Not sure)</p>

Art Club
Drama Club
Photography club
Environmental Club
Spanish Club
Literary Club
Key Club
hoping to be inducted in NHS next year or Senior</p>

<p>Earned 2nd place in Literary Festival for Narrative piece
Will (hopefully) be participating in a talent show-type showcase next year (guitar/vocals)
Softball next year (not positive, but most likely)</p>

<p>Out of school:
Starting this Summer, have job at Circuit Clerk's office every weekday, 7 to 3. Blech. Will also have this next Summer.</p>

<p>I have 3 teachers lined up for recommendations when the time comes, as well.</p>

<p>Opinions, por favor. :)</p>

<p>Also, if anyone knows of any, feel free to recommend colleges with strong writing departments/reputations :)</p>

<p>You'll need to get close to 2000 on the sats to stand any chance. Best to apply early admission to improve your chances. Wooster might also be an option for you</p>

<p>Thank you :)</p>

<p>you might also like Beloit, or Bard</p>

<p>get scores high...shoot for 2100 sat</p>

<p>Thanks both!</p>

<p>Anyone else? (Chances or school recommendations)</p>

<p>No one can really predict your chances on the basis of your freshman and sophomore year record. Get back to us a year from now.</p>

<p>What shock me is that a 3.5 GPA puts your class rank so low. I know i'm old fashioned, but a 3.5 ought rank you much higer.</p>

<p>rblau, I have a 3.44 UW and that puts me in the 4th decile...but my school is strong, and my specific grade is even stronger, so :-/</p>

<p>Yeah, I don't know the exact rank of mine, I kinda estimated 80s because last time I got my rank it was in the 90s :( and that was before I raised my grades a lot, so...I guess I will find out in a week or so when I actually get my report card, lol. Never know, I'll just hope for the highest I can be.</p>