Your Typical Day

<p>So, I'm making this thread out of curiosity. It's kind of inspired by the "what do you do in your free time" thread. Every college is different as is every student. However, I'm curious how similar/different everyone's lives are as college students. I look forward to the responses. Here's my breakdown (use whatever format you like...paragraphs, lists, etc:</p>

<p>First of all, I go to a large state school. I live alone off-campus, but I am not a commuter (i.e. I don't commute from my permanent residence).</p>

<p>-Wake-up at 9 AMish
-Get ready for school (brush teeth, shower, etc.)
-Go to class ---> try to pay attention in lecture, but usually daydream
-Go home to eat brunch/watch a daytime talk show/surf the internet
-Go to class
-Go home to eat dinner/watch TV/study
-Go to bed around midnight/1-2 AM</p>

<p>I rarely do work in between classes...I hate to start things that get interrupted. The above really isn't an abbreviated version of my daily life. I am just a really boring individual. That's why I'm asking this I guess...I want to see if/and by how much people's lives are more interesting.</p>

<p>I go to my permanent residence on the weekends (almost always...sometimes I stay at school). There I usually just chill...I don't do any school work. Not that I don't want to, I just procrastinate or am busy with chores.</p>

<p>I go to a small-ish (for a state school) school. I live on-campus.</p>

<p>-Wake up any time from 7:30-8:45
-Get ready
-Go to class
-Go back to the dorm or to the school coffee place
-TV/hanging out with my roomies
-More homework
-Bed anywhere from 10-1.</p>

<p>Class 10-12
food 12-12:30ish
Work 12:30-3:30 on some days, other days DJ at the radio station 12:30-2:30
3:30-4:30 get **** done, talk to professors, schedule doctors appointment type things
6-7 Lift
7-9 Practice
9-9:30 Eat
9:30-10:30/11 Study/surf the web
11-11:30 eat
11:30-12:30 watch some shows/surf the web,sleep</p>

<p>For christ sakes, you go home most weekends? You go to a big state school? Well there is your problem if you think your life is too boring. Go out with your friends, you are paying too much money to not have some amazing college stories when you leave.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention that my school is also a commuter school…most people aren’t around school during the weekends. Thanks for the replies, guys.</p>

<p>There are large state schools that are also commuter schools? This is new to me…</p>

<p>^Yes, without giving away the school name…we have over 20,000 students, but only a very small amount live on campus/live in the area, but away from home.</p>

<p>I go to a 5,000 student state school and live at home.
10: get up
11: go to work
2: go to class
4: come home and do chores, take care of family, do homework, etc.
Monday and Tuesday evenings: stay at home doing the same as above
Wednesday evenings: class from 5-9
Thursday and Friday evenings: party :)</p>

<p>boacious… can i guess suny stony brook? lol</p>

<p>6: get up
6:20 really get up
6:35 go for a quick run (half an hour, usually)
7:30 bus
8:00 classes
11:00 (usually) eat
-15:45 (usually) classes
stay in the library or work or classes (evil, brilliant teacher) till 20:00
-21:00 get home
eat, internet, household, homework (math and sciences are brutal.)</p>

<p>And weekends: Well, work hard equals PARTY HARD-</p>

<p>You all suck.</p>

<p>4:45 am - wake up, shower, brush teeth, try to eat something
6:20 am - leave house
7:30 am - arrive at school
8:00 am to 3:30 pm - non-stop classes (no breaks whatsoever)
3:30 pm - leave school, drive home
4:45 pm - arrive home
5:00 pm - start homework
9:00 pm - take another shower
10:00 pm - watch 1 hour TV
11:00 pm - sleep, repeat</p>

<p>Depends on the day, I have a different schedule MWF and TR.
I go to a state school, live a couple blocks off-campus by myself. walk to class everyday, takes about 15 minutes. My mom’s house is about an hour away. My life is not that exciting.</p>

-get up around 9:30-10, get ready for class. don’t usually eat breakfast but do drink some juice
-class 11-1 (and 2-3 on Wed)
-1-3 do office hours for an organization I’m in (UPC) +lunch
-usually have to work on campus 3-5
-(Mondays meeting for UPC 5:15-6ish)
-after 5 (6 on Mon) go home, do homework, chill on the computer, etc.
-(Mondays go back to campus to watch Heroes at 8 when it’s new bc I don’t have a tv)
-dinner whenever I get hungry
-Fridays usually take a nap after work and then go to swing dance at 8, typically go out to parties or hang out at a friends place drinking on Friday nights</p>

-get up around 8:30, get ready. usually get a soda to keep me awake because it’s really early and I have 4 straight hours of class. sometimes eat a poptart or some cereal
-class 9:30-1:30ish (my class is supposed to be 12:30-1:45 but the teacher always lets us out by 1:30 at the latest). Probably grab a croissant or something similar between my 11:00 class and the 12:30 class (15 min break) Sometimes I don’t go to my 12:30 class because it’s a really easy freshman science class that I put off until the last minute… and it’s incredibly boring. I’ll probably go home and take a nap instead then.
-1:30-3(ish) office hours for UPC plus lunch
-sometimes work 3-5 but usually not. usually only if someone needs to swap shifts
-if I don’t work I’m usually home by 4, if I do I’m home around 5:30
-nights are the same really. do homework, eat whenever I get hungry (like 7 or 8?), etc.</p>

-Saturdays usually don’t do anything unless there’s a football game, then I’ll probably go to the game (but I doubt I’m going to any of the rest because we’ve been sucking it up this year BAD). go out sometimes, or occasionally go home because every couple months my extended family has a sunday meal and it’s easier to go home saturday night than get up the next morning and drive. Plus my mom has satellite which is awesome.
-Sundays usually do homework and chill. and every other sunday, I have a meeting at 5pm on campus. If I don’t have a meeting, I might go shopping with friends if I have money, or if I am at home, I will generally leave to come back to school like middle of the afternoon.</p>

<p>My schedule varies. MW its:</p>

<p>830 wake up
9-10 class
10-11 read for sociology
11-12 class
12-1230 lunch
1230-4 random internet, homework
4-630 Frisbee practice
630-7 Dinner
7-8 shower, random errands
8-930 or 10 problem session with classmates
10-1 homework, internet, hanging out with dorm people</p>

<p>T and TH I don’t have practice or problem session, so it’s just more homework time or spending time with friends on Thursday night. And Friday, I only have one class and a fitness practice, so the day’s pretty much free. </p>

<p>Saturday (when I’m not at a tournament) is all free. I have no idea what I spend the whole day doing, haha. Sunday is time for homework.</p>

7:30 get up at
8:00-9:15, 9:30-10:20 class
back to the dorm/sit around/do whatever
11:15/11:30ish get lunch
continue to do whatever/maybe do some work/hang out with people
1:00-1:50 class
back to the dorm again to do whatever, do homework, maybe study some, go to the gym
5:00 dinner with friends
hang out at the dorm with friends, do whatever</p>

9:30 get up
10:00-11:15 class
get lunch on the way back to the dorm
read for lit
1:00-2:15 class
back to the dorm, do whatever, go to the gym, do homework
5:00 dinner
6:45 leave for equestrian team practice
9:00 get back from practice
shower, do homework, hang out with friends</p>

7:20 get up
7:30 leave dorm, stop and get breakfast, walk over to meet a teammate
8:00 leave for equestrian team practice
8:30-9:45 practice, take care of the horses
10:00-11:15 class
get lunch, do reading for lit
1:00-2:15 class
gym, homework, hang with friends, shower, do whatever</p>

<p>Weekends depend. Usually sleep in on Saturdays, get brunch, let brunch settle, go to the gym if I haven’t finished my workouts for the week yet (2 lifting, 3 cardio), hang out with friends, do homework, sleep. We’ve had horse shows every Sunday for the past few weeks…so get up at 5:20, get picked up at 5:40, drive to the student union, get on the bus with the team, dunkin donuts stop, head to the horse show. Stand around all day watching the show/get in a maximum of 5 minutes riding if I’m picked to show that day, take pictures with out pretty ribbon cause we’re amazing and win a lot. Get back to school around 4:30-5ish depending on how far away the show is. Shower and go to bed. Sundays that I don’t have horse shows run the same as Saturdays.</p>

<p>Wake up: 6
Eat: 7
Class: 9-10
Sleep: 10-12
Class: 12-3
Eat: 3
Class 5-7
Eat: 6:30
Work out: 7-8
Procrastinate: 8-2.
Sleep & Repeat!</p>

<p>To the OP: Do you go to SBU? It certainly sounds like it.</p>

<p>Monday thru thursday:
7am wakeup
8am class
10am break-sleep, eat, shower, or catch up on hw
11:30am class
1:30pm food
2pm nap
4pm homework/procrastinating/honors option meeting
5pm dinner
6pm homework/procrastinating
8pm clubs
10pm hang with friends, “homework”
2-3am sleep</p>

10am wakeup
11am homework
12pm class
1:30pm food
2pm friends/nothing
9pm get ready to go out/party
3am sleep</p>

8am wakeup, get ready for football game
12pm football game
4pm eat
5pm nap
8pm chill with friends
10pm go out again
4am sleep</p>

11am wakeup and eat
2pm start homework/procrastination
6pm eat again
7pm homework
10pm friends
1am homework
4am sleep</p>


<p>8:45-wake up. shower+eat
10:40-leave for class
11:00-3:30-bio+chem lab
4:00-10:00-eat, watch prison break/laker games/waste time/do a little HW
10:00-12:00-real homework/studying starts now although i waste a lot of time in between on the internet so i end up staying up till 1-2 sometimes. </p>


<p>7:45-wake up. shower+eat a little
9:00-go to class
9:30-11:00-chem lect.
11:00-1:30-leave for lunch+tv
5:00-10:00-eat, watch always sunny/laker games/waste time/do a little HW
10:00-12:00-real homework/studying starts now although i waste a lot of time in between on the internet so i end up staying up till 1-2 sometimes. </p>


<p>Bio Lab at 12:30-3:30. so not too bad.</p>

<p>I really hate my habits. I start my studying WAY too late and I get distracted while I study anyway. It’s not until like 2:00 a.m where I start panicking and go into no distractions mode.</p>


I am the EXACT same way. I wish I could just sit down and finish my work in a few hours earlier in the day, so I could go to sleep on time. It would save me sooo much grief. I still haven’t learned, though. Right now I’m doing HMWK. It sucks.</p>

<p>5:50 AM- Wake Up
6-7:30 AM- Practice
7:30-8 AM- Breakfast
8-9:30 AM- Sleep/Homework/shower
9:30-4- Classes/lunch/meetings
4-6 PM- Practice
6-8 PM- Dinner/meetings
8-12- Homework/TV
Bed once I finish homework</p>

<p>I haven’t been able to go out as much this semester, but I always do on Saturdays after swim meets and sometimes during the week if it’s a special occasion.</p>