<p>Describe your life. Fun, boring, lazy, strenuous, flexible, etc. Name the college you enrolled. Off campus, on campus, home?
I need to get a gist of what to expect.</p>
<p>Sort of generic. Get up, go to class, work out (every other day), go to class some more, go home for lunch, have a meeting, go home again, eat dinner, read for class, mess around online, talk to my mom at some point, read some more, go to bed. I live off-campus but only about 2 blocks from campus so I walk every day. I go to a state school, also. </p>
<p>Weekends are much more fun, because I see most of my friends and the boy then (don’t really have much time during the week, also I live by myself so no roommates). Weekends usually consist of getting up late morning/noon-ish, eating, going online, (sat) going to workout, going grocery shopping, hanging out with friends/boy, going out to parties, (sun) having a meeting, reading for monday classes, seeing the boy.</p>
<p>I just love how I can choose my own schedule. I wake up at 9 for my 10am class, which is plenty of time for sleep, not too early and not too late, then I hit up my classes. The free time in the afternoons I just spend doing hw and hanging with friends then work out in the evening. After that I can either study if I have to, or chill with friends again. Weekends start on thursdays and there are always parties going on on friday or saturday. College really is awesome and what you make of it</p>
<p>wake up. class. sleep.wake up. eat. sleep. wake up. homework. shower. then sleep. pretty much it.</p>
<p>wow basically its just study work eat sleep, that sounds funs, I cant wait xD</p>
<p>wake up. class or practice. nap. gym. homework or practice. sleep. repeat. and it’s really not that “fun”.</p>
<p>live on campus. small liberal arts college in new england.</p>
<p>it’s more fun when you live on campus freshman year and are surrounded by all your friends, bc you can eat lunch together, hang out during the day, have tv watching parties in the dorms, go work out with a bunch of people, etc. You’ve got sort of a built in social network. But as it gets more intense in classes and you move off campus and stuff, usually you only see your friends 2-3 days a week (mostly weekends), you have a job, organization office hours, etc. I keep up with a lot of my friends through facebook during the week (commenting on statuses and notes, making plans for the weekend, etc).</p>
<p>My schedule is a dream, earliest class is at 11:00 AM, so I work, stay up late doing various random things, get up go to class. Weekends are much more fun, you can do whatever. The weekdays are really regimented, and everybody has different schedules.</p>