Georgia Tech Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

So basically here are the outcomes so far. Everyone react to this message based on what you have. I do believe everyone is able to access the library. I also do think applying for financial aid does not affect what you see as many people who did not apply for FA has stated that they see options 1 and 2. For reference to what is stated below, there may be a My Award Letter under the financial aid page on oscar. If not, here’s the link: User Login. You may also be able to access the Transfer Credit page. Here’s the link:

  1. :one: My Award Letter on the financial aid page AND can access the Transfer credit page
  2. :two: My Award Letter on the financial aid page AND denied access to the Transfer credit page
  3. :three: Can access the award letter by year link when given (not on the financial aid page) AND can access the transfer page.
  4. :four: Can access the award letter by year link when given (not on the financial aid page) AND denied access the transfer page.
  5. :five: Cannot access the award letter by year link when given (not on the financial aid page) AND can access the transfer page.
  6. :six: Cannot access the award letter by year link when given (not on the financial aid page) AND denied access the transfer page.