Pictures of Boarding School Dorms?

<p>Does anybody know where I can look at pictures of the inside (the bedrooms) of dorms inside Exeter/Andover/etc? Anything would be helpful. This is sort of weird, but I'm curious. They don't have boarding schools where I live and I'm doing all of this applying stuff by myself (nobody I know has ever gone to bs, much less any of the good ones.), so I'm very curious.</p>

<p>Picture a rectangle with a bed, desk and chair, closet or wardrobe, and maybe a window. If not a single, multiply beds and desks. That’s about as exciting as it gets.</p>

<p>They’re basically college dorm rooms, except smaller. So I’d recommend searching Google to get an idea of dorm rooms if you don’t have a mental image.</p>

<p>Oh, and if anyone is actually living in it, picture nowhere to sit or move without wading through massive amounts of teenage “stuff,” including dirty clothes and last week’s pizza.</p>

<p>Rooms can vary a lot from dorm to dorm. In my experience, boarding school dorm rooms are nicer and often larger than college dorm rooms. Upperclassmen almost always will get the nice rooms. </p>

<p>Here’s a copy of the SPS student newspaper that has photos from a recent room contest.
<a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I expect that most schools will have photos on their website. For example, you can see some room photos at Concord in the Campus Tour section of the About CA page (click on the green dots for Admadjaja House and Haines House along Main Street on the map).</p>

<p>There’s an interactive map on Exeter’s site that gives a 360 view of one or two rooms. You can always try Googling “school name/hall.”</p>

<p>Does anyone know what Millbrook of Pomfret’s girl dormitories might look like?</p>

<p>I second wondering what the Pomfret dorms look like. I’ll be attending a visit back day but they never showed us the sophomore girl dorms on the tour (or any dorms for that matter).</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I just searched “pomfret school dorms” in Google, and it was the first one to pop up.</p>

<p>Does anyone know whether a small fish tank is allowed in most dorms?</p>

<p>A goldfish bowl, depends on the school. An aquarium, no.</p>

<p>I believe I read in the andover handbook that they allow fish bowls.</p>

<p>Thank you Skieurope</p>

<p>Thanks Grace</p>

<p>You’re welcome! This was taken directly from the blue book, “No pets are allowed in dorms (except for fish in a small fishbowl that must be cared for).”</p>

<p>Biancastarflare: when my daughter applied to Millbrook a year ago, they were building a new freshman girls dorm that was supposed to be ready for This fall.</p>





<p>So it is best to check your school’s handbook.</p>

<p>PS also keep in mind that there are a couple of 3-week holidays at most boarding schools. That might be too long even for a fish!</p>